TeX Unbound: LaTeX and TeX Strategies for Fonts, Graphics, and More

February 24, 2011 Posted by

LaTeX is the premier software system used for presenting scientific and technical information on the printed page, being the system of choice for writers in mathematics, the sciences, computer science, and engineering. It is also increasingly used by nontechnical writers interested in superior printing and document presentation. Authors wishing to take full advantage of this powerful software often have questions that go beyond how to use the basic style files or commands. For example, how can you integrate any of the high quality commercial fonts that are available? How can you typeset mathematics in anything other than the original TeX fonts? How can you generate complex graphics for use in a LaTeX document? What Internet resources are available to a LaTeX author? How can you connect TeX and LaTeX to everyday office software? In general, writers need clear, accurate, and concise instructions, solutions, and explanations for common problems and situations. This unique book provides this assistance, containing many examples and summaries of procedures to follow. TeX Unbound will be the reference of choice for every writer wishing to express technical information.br1. About TeX and LaTeXbr2. TeX, the Internet, and Multimediabr3. Mostly Metafontbr4. Logical Documents via LaTeXbr5. TeX in the Workplacebr6. Installing and Selecting Fontsbr7. Virtual Fonts, Virtuous Fontsbr8. Virtual-Font Projectsbr9. More Virtual Fontsbr10. New Math Fontsbr11. Graphic Discussionsbr12. Graphics via TeX and LaTeXbr13. Using Metafont and MetaPostbr14. PSTricksbr15. Mfpic PicturesbrAppendix 1: Basic TeX CommandsbrAppendix 2: More about LaTeXbrAppendix 3: Producing this BookbrSources and ResourcesbrIndexbrbrThis substantial book is definitely not for the faint-hearted, nor for those looking for an introductory text. Designed for serious TEX experts, it contains a mine of information about managing TEX systems and using TEX for complex jobs i@I


Math Skills for the Workforce

February 24, 2011 Posted by

Math Skills for the Workforce


Private Tutor for SAT Math Success 2006

February 23, 2011 Posted by

SAT Math Test Preparation through innovative Private Tutor Method. A customized, fast, complete, effective and affordable method to increase SAT math scores that has been tested successfully on all levels of high school students.


Ti-89 Graphing Calculator for Dummies.

February 23, 2011 Posted by

Get up to speed easily with your TI-89 Titanium Use advanced science and math applications, PDA functions, and more Your TI-89 Titanium graphing calculator is an amazing tool, and this plain-English guide gets you up and running on all the things it can do, quickly and easily. Find out how to use the preloaded applications, let your calculator double as a PDA, do algebra, trigonometry, and calculus, graph and analyze functions, and much more! Discover how to: Use the keyboard, menus, and catalog Find absolute values Graph and analyze functions Add text to a graph Enter data using formulas Deal with vector calculus The Dummy Way Explanations in plain English Get in, get out information Icons and other navigational aids Tear-out cheat sheet Top ten lists A dash of humor and fun


Acertijos, Desafios y Tableros Magicos: Riddles, Challenges, and Board Games

February 23, 2011 Posted by

Great math puzzle inventor, Henry Dudeney, had a talent for finding solutions to unsolvable problems. This book includes 110 of his puzzles, not as individual problems but as incidents in connected stories; the first 31 are amusingly posed by pilgrims in Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales. Many require only the ability to exercise logical or visual skills; others offer a stimulating challenge to the mathematically advanced. Solutions included.


Modern Algebra with Applications

February 23, 2011 Posted by

Blending the theoretical with the practical in the instruction of modern algebra, iModern Algebra with Applications, Second Edition/i provides interesting and important applications of this subject—effectively holding your interest and creating a more seamless method of instruction. Filled with in-depth insights and over six hundred exercises of varying difficulty, this invaluable text can help anyone appreciate and understand this subject.Preface to the First Edition.pPreface to the Second Edition.pList of Symbols.p1. Introduction.p2. Boolean Algebras.p3. Groups.p4. Quotient Groups.p5. Symmetry Groups in Three Dimensions.p6. Pólya–Burnside Method of Enumeration.p7. Monoids and Machines.p8. Rings and Fields.p9. Polynomial and Euclidean Rings.p10.Quotient Rings.p11. Field Extensions.p12. Latin Squares.p13. Geometrical Constructions.p14. Error-Correcting Codes.pAppendix 1: Proofs.pAppendix 2: Integers.pBibliography and References.pAnswers to the Odd-Numbered Exercises.pIndex.“…an ideal starter into algebra for all kinds of students, and a very useful addition to existing textbooks…” (iZentralblatt Math/i, Vol.1050, 2005)bWILLIAM J. GILBERT, DPHil/b, is a professor in the Department of Pure Mathematics at the University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. He received his DPhil in mathematics from Oxford University in 1968.pbW. KEITH NICHOLSON, PHD/b, is a professor in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada. He received his PhD in pure mathematics from the University of California at Santa Barbara in 1970.Praise for the first editionP”This book is clearly written and presents a large number of examples illustrating the theory . . . there is no other book of comparable content available. Because of its detailed coverage of applications generally neglected in the literature, it is a desirable if not essential addit@Mýp£× ¾Û€


Basic Math Refresher (REA): Everyday Math for Everyday People

February 23, 2011 Posted by

DIVCiting real-life situations and using a wealth of example problems, Stephen Hearne’s Basic Math Refresher is the only book you need to grasp the concepts of basic mathematics.BRBRNever worry about math again, as Hearne guides you through a multitude of topics—from addition to interest rates—always emphasizing simple and effective ways to determine solutions.BRBR—If you’re preparing for a test at work or school…BR—If you’re tired of feeling lost when looking at a bank statement…BR—If you want your children to excel in math…BR—If you just want to brush up on rusty skills…BRThis is the book for you!BR/DIVDIVBEveryday math for everyday people/BBRBRFinally, a common sense reference for math! Portable and very affordable, the Basic Math Refresher is the useful, practical, and informative way to understand all types of math fundamentals. Never worry about math again!BRBRClear, concise entries by author Stephen Hearne make the complex seem simple by guiding you through the most basic of mathematical concepts up to math’s more perplexing topics (including those perplexing fractions, percentages and measurements). This easy-to-follow reference is chock full of examples and real life situations making this book the perfect choice for everyone from the young math student to the businessperson to anyone with rusty math skills.BRBRDiscover the single best resource for understanding basic math that is also the perfect companion for any reference library.BRBRBUTable of Contents/U/BBRPREFACEBRADDITIONBRSUBTRACTIONBRMULTIPLICATIONBRDIVISIONBRDECIMALSBRROUNDINGBRPERCENTAGESBRFRACTIONSBRAVERAGESBRSALES TAXBRDISCOUNTSBRMEASUREMENTSBRGRAPHSBR/DIVPREFACE…………………………………………………ixbrbrADDITION……………………………………………….1brPractice Problems…………………………………9brCalculations..@(õÂ? ¾Û€


The Block Scheduling Handbook

February 23, 2011 Posted by

” Every teacher and principal should use this book to assure a successful block scheduling initiative.” ” Whether on the block or considering block scheduling, every principal and teacher needs his or her own personal copy of The Block Scheduling Handbook.”pEvery teacher and principal should use this book to assure a successful block scheduling initiative. pWhether on the block or considering block scheduling, every principal and teacher needs his or her own personal copy of The Block Scheduling Handbook.Whether on the block or considering block scheduling, every principal and teacher needs his or her own personal copy of The Block Scheduling Handbook. — Wendy Tomberlin, Math TeacherpEvery teacher and principal should use this book to assure a successful block scheduling initiative. Dr. Martin Eaddy, Superintendent Lincoln County Schools Lincoln, NC pWhether on the block or considering block scheduling, every principal and teacher needs his or her own personal copy of The Block Scheduling Handbook. Wendy Tomberlin, Math Teacher Mt. Pleasant High School Mt. Pleasant, NC pExperience the advantages of block scheduling-gain the confidence and tools to put your school on the block! pBlock Scheduling has succeeded in boosting student and teacher performance in an increasing number of schools across the country. Based in the simple idea of organizing a course around one semester in an extended class time of 90 minutes, this versatile scheduling program encourages more comprehensive immersion into subject matter, improved student-teacher rapport, and decreased disciplinary problems.pWhile the benefits of the block are undeniable, changing the conventional scheduling process may seem a daunting task to many educators. The Block Scheduling Handbook assuages this apprehension and bolsters confidence by providing practical information proven to be effective. Covering every aspect of designing the right block @Q€


Differentiated Instruction for K-8 Math and Science

February 23, 2011 Posted by

Differentiated Instruction for K-8 Math and Science


Math Skills Maintenance

February 23, 2011 Posted by

In order for their skills to remain fresh, students need opportunities to practice the math skills that they have learned in previous courses. Math Skills Maintenance contains pages of practices for various basic math skills. Each page is geared to one or more previously-learned skills.