Four experienced teachers, who have written math curricular materials for the University of Chicago School Mathematics Project, present a comprehensive collection of innovative and fun activities easy enough for even the most math-phobic parents. Covers all math concepts appropriate for children ages 3-7 including measurement, counting, telling time and temperature, comparisons, arrays, shapes and patterns. Organized by type of activity such as cooking, taking a trip, playing games and making crafts.Math Around the House.brbrGrowing and Changing: Making a Personal Record Book.brbrCalendar Math.brbrMath on the Move.brbrAnimal Facts and Figures.brbrCrafts that Use Math.brbrGames and Math.brbrCounting Rhymes and Stories.brbrIndex of Math Concepts.Lydia Polonsky is a staff developer and author for the University of Chicago School Mathematics Project. Dorothy Freedman, Susan Lesher, and Kate Morrison are teachers at the University Chicago Laboratory Schools and authors for the Project. They have all seen how young children respond with wonder and pleasure to the mathematical adventures in their daily lives.Exciting, imaginative ways to make learning math fun for your child! Preschool to second grade is the ideal age span for introducing math concepts to young children. We all know how important it is in this technological age to grow up at ease in the world of mathematics. Math for the Very Young shows how to instill that comfort and confidence early-using activities, games, songs, crafts, and special projects that make math interesting, fun, and relevant to children’s daily lives. Here are exciting, novel ways for parents and children to explore together the myriad mathematical possibilities in the world around them. Familiar tasks like cooking, doing laundry, going to the store, planning a party, and reading introduce patterns, numbers, collecting and understanding data, geometry, and measurement. An art project with folded paper teaches?Ð
Help is here! Hidden Pictures Homework Helper provides children in preschool to grade 1 with extra help learning basic skills. Packed full of fun-to-do activities and appealing art, children will have fun completing the hidden pictures and learning basic skills at the same time. Answer keys are included where needed. Reproducible. Our cost-effective Homework Helpers are a must-have! They provide help for students who need extra practice with basic skills, for the accelerated student who enjoys an extra challenge, and for the young learner who is developing basic concepts and readiness skills. They also help boost self-confidence and reinforce basic skills with activities that are geared to the specific grade level. Collect all 48 titles for preschool to grade 3 including alphabet, numbers, shapes, phonics, math, reading comprehension, and much more!
Dinosaurs are on the loose! But don”t worry–they are here to help your child practice math and reading skills. Little learners will have loads of fun as they complete puzzles, mazes, hidden pictures, dot-to-dots, and other activities. This book is the perfect tool for reinforcing the basic skills taught in school.
(back cover)brMassachusetts Comprehensive Assessment SystembrChoose Barronas Method for Success When You Take the MCAS in MathbrliTake the review test to discover your math strengths and weaknessesliReview all test topics and work out the problems presented in the subject reviewliTake the practice testsliCheck the answers and be sure you understand the explanationsbrItas Your Path to a Higher Test ScoreThis brand-new manual prepares 10th grade students in Massachusetts to succeed on the test that is required in secondary schools throughout the state. The book opens with a diagnostic test to help students assess their math strengths and weaknesses. An extensive subject review follows, focusing on the testas four general topics: * Number sense and operations * Patterns, relations, and algebra * Geometry and measurement * and Data analysis, statistics, and probability. The manual is filled both with example problems and practice problems that reflect the testas format and style, plus two full-length practice MCATs with all questions answered.
Clearly written and comprehensive, the tenth edition of Gustafson/Frisk/Hughes” popular book, COLLEGE ALGEBRA, 10E, provides in-depth and precise coverage, incorporated into a framework of tested teaching strategy. The authors combine carefully selected pedagogical features and patient explanation to give students a book that preserves the integrity of mathematics, yet does not discourage them with material that is confusing or too rigorous. Long respected for its ability to help users quickly master difficult problems, this book also helps them develop the skills they”ll need in future courses and in everyday life. This new edition has the mathematical precision instructors have come to expect, and by bringing in new co-author, Jeff Hughes, the authors have focused on making the text more modern to better illustrate to users the importance of math in their world.
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Watching my grandchildren and GED students struggle with their math, prompted me to write about Fred. We can all identify with the anger and frustration that math problems brings, so Fred had a solution. Or not? You decide
Real-Life Math: Tables, Charts, and Graphs
Providing young learners with a strong foundation of literacy and math skills is essential for school success. With Brighter Child Basic Skills Helpers Grade K, you can help your child understand all of the concepts he or she will need for the school years ahead. And because the book features bright, colorful activities, your child is sure to have fun! The Brighter Child Basic Skills Helpers Grade K workbook features activities that teach: * Colors and shapes * Same and different * Opposites * Letters A to Z * Beginning and ending consonants * Short vowels * Rhyming words * Name, address, phone number * Sequencing and ordinal numbers * More and fewer * Time and money * Graphing * Thinking skills Success in School Starts Here!
Part of the Success in 20 Minutes a Day series, Practical Math offers essential skill-building features, including a pretest, hundreds of exercises in a test format for essential practice, and a posttest to reveal progress.