Created by the nutritionists behind the bestselling 40-30-30 Fat Burning Nutrition, The Formula is the phenomenal guide that does the math for dieters with a simple equation for serious weight loss. Includes hundreds recipes from appetizers to desserts.
Foreword by Steven GuliebrPreface brWhat This Book Is and Is NotbrHow to Read This Book brbrbPart I Background Information/bbrChapter 1 What Is Interactive QuickTime? brChapter 2 How Do You Play an Interactive Movie? brChapter 3 The Stuff QuickTime Is Made Of brbrbPart II Wiring Existing Movies/b brChapter 4 Getting Familiar with the Tools brChapter 5 Customizing the Presentation of an Existing Movie brChapter 6 Digital Rights Management brChapter 7 Adding DVD Features brbrbPart III Sprite Worlds/bbrChapter 8 A Simple World brChapter 9 Talking with Sprites brChapter 10 Collision Detection brChapter 11 Cel-Based Animation brChapter 12 User Interaction brChapter 13 Scripted Motion brChapter 14 Scripted Stretching brChapter 15 Cloning Sprites brChapter 16 Modeling Physics brbrbPart IV User Interfaces/bbrChapter 17 Buttons brChapter 18 Sliders brChapter 19 Text Input brChapter 20 Menus brbrbPart V Multimedia/bbrChapter 21 Audio and Video brChapter 22 Effects brChapter 23 Image Overrides brChapter 24 MIDI Instruments brChapter 25 Text Tracks brChapter 26 Flash Tracks brChapter 27 QTVR brChapter 28 MovieTracks brChapter 29 Third-Party Tracks brChapter 30 Other Tracks brbrbPart VI Communicating with the World/bbrChapter 31 XML and QTLists brChapter 32 Loading Data brChapter 33 Setting Up a QTList Server brChapter 34 Sending Data to a Server brChapter 35 Exchanging QTLists brChapter 36 Communicating with the Browser brChapter 37 Dynamic Media brChapter 38 Intermovie Communication brChapter 39 Communicating with Applications brbrAppendices brAppendix A Useful Numbers brAppendix B Math Functions brAppendix C String Functions brAppendix D QTList Functions brAppendix E Programming Techniques brAppendix F Sprite and Track Geometry brAppendix G Graphics Modes brAppendix H Codecs brAppendix I General MIDI brAppendix J Component@95Â?(ö ¾Ûâ¬
This reader-friendly book balances solid math instruction with real-world examples and applications for various disciplines. It encourages independent problem-solving and instills reader confidence with clearly illustrated concepts, procedure boxes that present a step-by-step approach to problem solving, and verbal nudges, similar to those used by teachers in the classroom, to help readers avoid common pitfalls and mistakes as well as reminding them of concepts they have already mastered.
bWe Know the SSAT and ISEE/bbrThe experts at The Princeton Review research the SSAT, ISEE, and other standardized tests each year to make sure you get the most up-to-date, thoroughly researched books possible.brbrbWe Know Students/bbrEach year we help more than two million students score high with our courses, bestselling books, and award winning software.brbrbWe Get Results/bbrStudents who take our courses for the SAT, GRE, LSAT, and many other tests see dramatic score improvements that have been verified by independent accounting firms. The proven techniques we teach in our courses are in this book.brbrbAnd If It’s on the SSAT or ISEE, It’s in This Book/bbrWe don’t try to teach you everything there is to know about English and Math. We tell you only what you need to know to score high on the SSAT or ISEE. iThere’s a big difference./i InbCracking the SSAT & ISEE/b, we’ll teach you how to think like the test-makers andbrbbrSolve analogy and synonym problems even when you’re not sure what all the words meanbrAce the reading comprehension section by learning to spot the main ideas, topic sentences, and key wordsbrCrack the general math section by learning to avoid wrong answer choices that look correctbrSolve math problems by learning to turn complicated algebra problems into simple word problemsbrSimplify the SSAT writing sample and the ISEE essay using a sure-fire, step-by-step approachbr/bbrb/bbiThis book includes four full-length sample tests, with questions just like the ones you’ll see on the actual SSAT and ISEE./i/bb/bbElizabeth Silas/bgraduated summa cum laude from Boston College’s linguistics program. She teaches, tutors, and trains instructors for the Princeton REview in SSAT, PSAT, SAT, and SAT II Writing, and GRE preparation.brbrbReed Talada/bbegan teaching for The Princeton Review in 1988 and has worked full-time in ?×=p£× ¾Ûâ¬
Hot Math Topics is the exciting new series from Dale Seymour Publications that offers hands-on activities to promote real-world math thinking. Included in the series are two attractively illustrated resource books for each grade level (grades 1-5) that cover key math topics with 100 innovative, real-world problems and tasks per book. The books can be used by children in class or at home with their families.
This practical resource is packed with over 370 simple hands-on games and activities that will help you add fun, excitement, and meaningful learning experiences to any early childhood program or curriculum, preschool through grade 2. For quick access and easy use, all of these enjoyable games and activities are organized into ten convenient sections and accompanied by illustrated, step-by-step directions that virtually guarantee their success! Youll find… 50 LANGUAGE GAMES & IDEAS like Puzzle Pairs, a card game to build skills in rhyming words, that help make learning to read and write a joy 50 MATH MAGIC ACTIVITIES that will turn children into math lovers, such as Secret Pennies, a game using a margarine tub and pennies to give children practice in missing addends 40 SCIENCE SURPRISES like Nature Scavenger Hunt, an outdoor activity that develops skills in observing and classifying natural objects 41 ARTS & CRAFTS discovery experiences such as Bubble Painting, an activity in which children create beautiful designs with bubbles and food coloring 31 WATER, SAND & BLOCK PLAY activities featuring water play, block props, and construction ideas, for example Sink and Float, a simple experiment that develops skill in predicting 12 DRAMATIC PLAY activities that spark social and imagination skills, including items for 38 Dramatic Play Kits from Doctors Office to Travel Agency 47 MOTOR SKILLS & HOMEMADE EQUIPMENT games and materials to get small and large muscles moving, for example String Along, an activity with pasta, straws and yarn 80 GROUP GAMES like Silly Willy, a circle game in which one child tries to make his/her classmateslaugh, that help build childrens social and motor skills as well as learning objectives 17 SUPER SNACKS & SILLY SONGS like Reindeer Sandwich (with Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer ) that involve children in fixing and enjoying recipes 11 SPECIAL DAY activities such as Piata Party plus 55 other suggestions that can turn every day into a celebrationThese creative hands-on games and activities will help you integrate childrens work and play throughout the day, both inside the classroom and outside on the playground. Above all, they will help each child experience success and the joy of learning!
Stanford Wong applies math and logic to tossing the dice to get an advantage over casinos at craps. Included are all the details of setting the dice, tossing them, using your practice time efficiently, determining when you are good enough to take on the casinos, optimal betting strategy, and the math of craps.
BP style=MARGIN: 0px align=left text-align=leftCarol Pelletier Radford/Bis the Program Director for aITransition to Teaching/Ifederal grant, which is located in the Center for University, School and Community Partnerships at the University of MassachusettsDartmouth. She received her Ed.D. from Harvard University in 1996 where she focused her studies on teacher professional development and the role of the cooperating/PP style=MARGIN: 0px align=left text-align=leftteacher in preparing pre-service teachers. In more than twenty years as a public school teacher, she has received numerous teacher leadership awards, among them the prestigious Christa McAuliffe Fellowship sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education. She is the author of four books:ITechniques and Strategies for Coaching Student Teachers, Strategies for Successful Student Teaching, Touch the Future: TEACH!,/IandIMentoring in Action:A Month-by-Month Curriculum for Mentors and Their New Teachers./IFor the past thirteen years, she has worked as the Director of Practicum Experiences and Teacher Induction at Boston College. In her current position at the University of Massachusetts, she teaches graduate courses for district mentors and is actively engaged in preparing prospective math and science teachers for New Bedford and Fall River schools./PP style=MARGIN: 0pxBA one-of-a-kind resource to guide new teachers through the mentoring process!/B/PP style=MARGIN: 0pxI /I/PP style=MARGIN: 0pxIThe First Year Matters: Being Mentored…In Action,/Iby Carol Pelletier RadfordI,/Iprovides new teachers with a practical guide to use throughout their mentoring experience as well as for self-reflection. Many new teachers become overwhelmed in their first year of teaching and are so busy trying to meet all of the criteria of the assessments-based curriculum that the most obvious skills can be overlooked for discuss@
This book has been designed to provide professional educators, parents, and college students with educational terms, concepts, issues, strategies, and information critical to understanding today’s classroom. Containing over 10,000 definitions, acronyms, and abbreviations provides valuable information in areas such as the World Wide Web and computers, legal issues and responsibilities, literacy development, developmental and educational psychology terminology, key mathematical concepts and tables and key bilingual terms in the field.APPENDICES: Cognitive Approach – Detective Q Squirt. Abbreviations in Education. Assessment Terms. Federal Legislation and Milestones. Supreme Court Decisions Related to Education. Technology for Individuals with Hearing/Vision Impairments. Math Facts for Teachers. Montessori Terms for Educators. Piaget Cognitive Development Terms. Legal Terms/Issues Related to Education. Mainstreaming/Inclusion. Philosophical Terminology. Mathematics Action-Research Classroom-Planning Steps (MARCS) and MAPP. Tests and Measurements for Professionals. Computers Appendix. Sample Individualized Education Program (IEP). Literacy Activities.