Math Advantage
pbMarge Lial/bwas always interested in math; it was her favorite subject in the first grade! Marge’s intense desire to educate both her students and herself has inspired the writing of numerous best-selling textbooks. Marge, who received Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from California State University at Sacramento, is now affiliated with American River College./ppMarge is an avid reader and traveler. Her travel experiences often find their way into her books as applications, exercise sets, and feature sets. She is particularly interested in archeology. Trips to various digs and ruin sites have produced some fascinating problems for her textbooks involving such topics as the building of Mayan pyramids and the acoustics of ancient ball courts in the Yucatan./phrpbThomas W. Hungerford/breceived his bachelor}s degree from Holy Cross and his Ph.D. from the University of Chicago. He taught for seventeen years at the University of Washington (Seattle) before coming to Cleveland State University, where is he is professor of mathematics. He has written a number of research articles in algebra and several in mathematics education. Dr. Hungerford is the author or co-author of more than a dozen mathematics textbooks, ranging from high school to graduate level, several of which are published by Addison-Wesley. He is active in promoting the use of technology in mathematics instruction and was one of the founders of the Cleveland Collaborative for Mathematics Education (C2ME), an ongoing project involving local universities, businesses, and mathematics teachers. Dr. Hungerford is also a referee and reviewer for various mathematical journals and has frequently served on National Science Foundation panels for selecting grant recipients./p(iChapter Summary and Review Exercises appear at the end of each chapter./i)brbrb1. Algebra and Equations./bbrpdiv STYLE=margin-left: 0.2in;The Real Numbers./div/ppdiv STYLE=margin-left: 0.2in;?ã×=p£× ¾Ûâ¬
DIVA look at how a British war hero used math to woo and win the girlbr/divDIVIn 1922 Barnes Wallis FRS, who later invented the transatlantic airship and the bouncing bomb immortalized in the movie The Dam Busters, fell in love for the first and last time – aged 35. The object of his affection, Molly Bloxam, was 17 and setting off to study science at University College London. Her father decreed that the two could correspond only if Barnes taught Molly mathematics in his letters.brbrMathematics with Love presents, for the first time, the result of this curious diktat: a series of witty, tender and totally accessible introductions to calculus, trigonometry and electrostatic induction that remarkably, wooed and won the girl. Deftly narrated by Barnes and Molly’s daughter Mary, Mathematics with Love is an evocative tale of a twenties courtship, a surprising insight into the early life of an engineering genius – and a great way to learn a little mathematics.br/divDIVP class=MsoNormalSome may open this book, see pages of formulae and decide to go no further. This would be a great pity – skipping over the mathematics does not detract from the enjoyment of the main story. This is a fitting tribute to a man to whom the world owes a great deal. –Sir Patrick Moore,ITimes Higher Educational Supplement/I/PIn place of poetry and roses, engineer Barnes Wallis wooed his lady-love with trigonometry and calculus – and won her heart. A charming and unique correspondence from the human side of mathematics. –Ian Stewart, author ofIMath Hysteria/IandIFlatterland/IBRBRWhat a lovely book, reminiscent of Nevile Shute’s novels. This mixture of maths and suppressed emotion is warm, touching, and rather improbable. Here we meet neither the lovable bumbling genius of Paul Brickhill’s book The Dam Busters and Michael Redgrave’s portrayal in the film, nor the stubborn and difficult man that Wallis could be at the drawing board, but a third man, a shy,@BõÂ?) ¾Ûâ¬
This valuable learning tool applies the principles and practices of basic math to everyday business problems and situations. Using a reality-based, practical approach, it guides future business managers through easy-to-follow explanations, worked examples, and exercises — making sure that one concept is mastered before progressing to the next.
The Complete Book series provides young learners an exciting and dynamic way to learn the basic skills essential to learning success. This vivid workbook will guide your student step-by-step through a variety of engaging and developmentally appropriate activities in basic concepts, reading, math, language arts, and fine motor skills. Each title includes a complete answer key, poster, and two sticker sheets. The Complete Book of Kindergarten is designed to be used with an adult”s support. Your student will gain the most when you work together through the activities. The Complete Book of Kindergarten features: – Same and Different- Writing Readiness- Upper and Lowercase Letters- Time and Money
A raise in allowance gives a young girl a whole dollar to spend, but what should she buy? The abundance of choices are overwhelming. After solving money math problems and cleverly calculating with coins, the narrator learns that the power of money can lie in preserving its many possibilities.
All of the basic math that scientists and engineers need-now expanded and revised!brbrWhether you need to understand advances in modern technology, prepare for professional exams, or simply brush up on skills acquired long ago,brbrJohn Fanchi’s quick reference guide to applied math is for you. He has updated his 1997 book to include probability and statistics in new chapters with exercises and solutions. Fanchi explains all topics clearly and methodically, from the ground up. He begins with straightforward concepts in college math and gradually progresses to more advanced topics, using practical applications throughout to demonstrate relationships between different areas. The wealth of numerical methods and illustrative examples further enhances the utility of this truly indispensable book. Math Refresher for Scientists and Engineers, Second Edition reviews:br* Algebrabr* Geometry, analytic geometry, trigonometry, and hyperbolic functionsbr* Vectors, matrices, and linear algebrabr* Differential calculus, integral calculus, and special integralsbr* Partial derivativesbr* Ordinary differential equations and ODE solution techniquesbr* Partial differential equationsbr* Probability and statisticsAlgebra.pGeometry, Trigonometry, and Hyperbolic Functions.pAnalytic Geometry.pLinear Algebra I.pLinear Algebra II.pDifferential Calculus.pPartial Derivatives.pIntegral Calculus.pSpecial Integrals.pOrdinary Differential Equations.pOde Solution Techniques.pPartial Differential Equations.pProbability.pProbability Distributions.pStatistics.pSolutions to Exercises.pReferences.pIndex.Franchi transforms continuing education courses he has taught…into a guide to applied mathematics for understanding advances in modern technology, preparing for professional exams, or brushing up on skills acquired long ago. (SciTech Book News, Vol. 24, No. 4, December 2000)JOHN R. FANCHI, PhD, has taught academic and industrial courses in Denve@=ð£×=q ¾Ûâ¬
piExplains brain research in easy-to-understand language and includes real classroom stories from diverse grade levels and student populations. Any teacher who wants to support effective, brain-friendly instruction should read this book and share it with colleagues and administrators./ibr /-Bobbie Faulkner, Teacherbr /Scottsdale Unified School District, Phoenix, AZ/ppiThe major strengths are the implications of current brain research and how to maximize student learning and enjoyment in the learning process.br //i-Mary Moore, Third-Grade Teacherbr /Jason Lee Elementary School, Richland, WA/ppbiA brain-based approach for nurturing the writer in every student!/i/b/ppToday’s world of high-stakes testing challenges teachers to find a balance between brain-centered and test-driven practices. This insightful book provides a framework for using brain-compatible strategies to develop confident and competent writers while meeting district and national standards./ppThe author applies core principles of effective teaching to writing instruction and shows teachers how to foster a love of writing in their classroom. Written in a user-friendly format, this revised edition of iWrite Brain Write /ifeatures classroom stories, reflection questions, student examples, and activities for elementary, middle, and high school students to help teachers implement brain-friendly writing instruction. This resource provides information on:/pulliCreating a brain-compatible classroom based on how the brain learns/liliUsing a seven-step framework to promote writing skills/liliIntegrating test preparation with instruction to boost student achievement/liliCross-curricular writing in social studies, science, math, and language arts/li/ulpFoster high literacy and increase performance on high-stakes tests while nurturing an authentic love for learning in every student!/p (20080512)
A KINETIC THEORY OF GASES AND LIQUIDS by RICHARD D. KLEEMAN. Originally published in 1920. PREFACE: THE object of writing this book is to formulate a Kinetic Theory of certain properties of matter, which shall apply equally well to matter in any state. The desirability of such a development need not be emphasized. The difficulty hitherto experienced in applying the results obtained in the case of the Kinetic Theory of Gases in the well-known form to liquids and intermediary states of matter has been pri marily due to the difficulty of properly interpretating molec ular interaction. In the case of gases this difficulty is in most part overcome by the introduction of the assumption that a molecule consists of a perfectly elastic sphere not surrounded by any field of force. But since such a state of affairs does not exist, the results obtained in the case of gases hold only in a general way, and the numerical constants involved are therefore of an indefinite nature, while in the case of dense gases and liquids this procedure does not lead to anything that is of use in explaining the facts. Instead of an atom, or molecule, consisting of a per fectly elastic sphere, it is more likely that each may be regarded simply as a center of forces of attraction and repulsion. If the exact nature of the field of force sur rounding atoms and molecules were known, it would be a definite mathematical problem to determine the resulting properties of matter. But our knowledge in this connection is at present not sufficiently extensive to permit a develop ment of the subject along these lines. But in whatever way the subject is developed fundamental progress will have been made only if molecular interaction is not, as is usually the case, represented by the collision of elastic spheres. It will be shown in this book that the subject may be developed to a considerable extent along sound mathe matical lines yielding important results without knowing the exact nature and immediate result @FÂ?(ö ¾Ûâ¬