General Organic and Biological Chemistry

February 2, 2011 Posted by

This general, organic, and biochemistry text has been written for students preparing for careers in health-related fields such as nursing, dental hygiene, nutrition, medical technology, and occupational therapy. It is also suited for students majoring in other fields where it is important to have an understanding of the basics of chemistry. Students need have no previous background in chemistry, but should possess basic math skills. The text features numerous helpful problems and learning features.


Holding the Torch, Lighting the Fire

February 2, 2011 Posted by

This book presents the experiences of a new math teacher in an urban high school and an analysis of these experiences by a veteran professor and critic of urban education in the United States.


The Magical Maze: Seeing the World Through Mathematical Eyes

February 2, 2011 Posted by

From the temples of ancient Babylon to modern cryptology labs, internationally acclaimed science writer Stewart ranges far and wide to present some of the best, most bedeviling math and logic problems of all time. 100 illustrations, 20 in color insert.


Strategies for Differentiating in the Content Areas: Easy-To-Use Strategies, Scoring Rubrics, Student Samples, and Leveling Tips to Reach and Teach Ev

February 2, 2011 Posted by

A master teacher and principal-a mother-son duo-make an A+ team for helping middle school teachers in ALL subject areas reach ALL learners. Strayer and Strayer present eight surefire strategies teachers can use to a) provide assignment choices that motivate different kinds of learners and b) teach all students the content they need to know. They provide helpful examples of each strategy in practice along with student work samples in language arts, math, and other subject areas. For use with Grades 5 & Up.


The New Accountability: High Schools and High-Stakes Testing

February 2, 2011 Posted by

Examines the impact of high stakes testing in four different statesShows how emphasis on math and English has affected subjects not traditionally tested, such as music and art


Firefighters to the Rescue

February 2, 2011 Posted by

Firefighters, zookeepers, astronauts, deep-sea divers, paleontologists, and archaeologists- everyone uses math! This series gives young readers a chance to learn about each of these exciting jobs, and use their math skills along the way. Each book offers a variety of problems that teach math concepts and help readers understand the connection between math skills and daily life.


Phonics Homework Booklet, Level 1 (homework Booklets)

February 2, 2011 Posted by

html head /head body p bPhonics, Level 1 Homework Booklet/b offers a proven way for students to understand and master beginning reading, decoding, and phonics skills. There are practice exercises and enrichment activities for beginning and ending consonant blends as well as word activities to meet daily reading challenges. Review pages are included to reinforce ongoing learning. /p p /p p Features: /p p A pull-put answer key in the center of the book to make checking answers quick and easy. /p p This book is intended to be completed by the student with little or no help from a parent or teacher, which makes it a great resource for use at home or school. /p p /p p Our extremely popular bHomework Booklet series/b is a must have for any student! /p p /p p Great for reinforcing, reviewing, or teaching specific skills these booklets feature step-by-step practice drills with easy-to-understand directions and highlighted examples. With over 85 titles for children in preschool to high school and covering all key subjects including math, reading, social studies, grammar, foreign language, and more, students will find the extra practice they need to succeed in all subjects! /p p /p p Help your student today and collect all the titles in this amazing series! /p /body /html


Cracking the 3rd Grade Reading & Math

February 1, 2011 Posted by

Showing parents how to prepare their children for the competitive world of today’s schools, this guide to third-grade reading and math skills includes tutoring tips and teaching instructions for parents as well as drills, exercises, and activities that parents and kids can do together.


The Nurse, the Math, the Meds

February 1, 2011 Posted by

This text emphasizes the simplicity of the dimensional analysis method to help even those students with math anxiety minimize or eliminate medication calculation errors. It begins with a comprehensive review of general math skills and an explanation of basic dimensional analysis methodology. The book focuses on the analysis and setup of practice problems, formulation of a reasonable answer, and evaluation of the answer. This one-of-a-kind text is designed for nursing students at all levels, including graduate nurses and practicing nurses who want a refresher. It is an appropriate text selection for agency in-service programs as well as for physician assistant medication math courses.


Lady Luck: The Theory of Probability

February 1, 2011 Posted by

Everyday questions such as Should I take my umbrella? involve probability, a topic important in daily life and in science. This witty, nontechnical introduction to the subject elucidates such concepts as permutations, independent events, mathematical expectation, the law of averages and more. No advanced math required. 49 drawings.