Dynamical Systems IV: Symplectic Geometry and Its Applications

February 3, 2011 Posted by

From the reviews of the first edition: .. . In general the articles … are well written in a style that enables one to grasp the ideas. The actual style is a readable mix of the important results, outlines of proofs and complete proofs when it does not take too long together with readable explanations of what is going on. Also very useful are the large lists of references which are important not only for their mathematical content but also because the references given also contain articles in the Soviet literature which may not be familiar or possibly accessible to readers. New Zealand Math. Soc. Newsletter 1991 .. . Here … a wealth of material is displayed for us, too much to even indicate in a review. … Your reviewer was very impressed by the contents of both volumes (EMS 2 and 4), recommending them without any restriction. As far as he could judge, most presentations seem fairly complete… Mededelingen van het Wiskundig genootshap 1992


Cracking the PSAT/NMSQT, 2003 Edition

February 3, 2011 Posted by

The Princeton Review is the fastest growing test-preparation company in the country, with over 60 franchise offices in the nation. Each year, we help more than 2 million students prepare for college, grad school, professional licensing exams, and successful careers.The Princeton Review realizes that acing the PSAT/NMSQT is very different from getting straight As in school. We don’t try to teach you everything there is to know about Math and English – only the techniques you’ll need to score higher on the exam.iThere’s a big difference./iIniCracking the PSAT/NMSQT,/iwe’ll teach you how to think like the test writers andbrbr- Eliminate answer choices that look right but are planted to fool youbr- Master the most important PSAT/NMSQT vocabulary wordsbr- Nail even the toughest subjects: Analogies, Geometry, Vocabulary, Algebra, Grammar and morebrbrThis book includes 2 full-length practice PSAT/NMSQT exams. All of our practice test questions are just like the ones you’ll see on the actual PSAT/NMSQT, and we fully explain every solution.CONTENTSbrbrPART I: ORIENTATIONbr1bWhat is the PSAT?/bbr2bAll about National Merit Scholarships/bbr3bGeneral Strategies/bbr4bAdvanced Strategies/bbrPART II: CRACKING THE PSAT/NMSQTbr5bSentence Completions/bbr6bAnalogies/bbr7bCritical Reading/bbr8bMath Basics/bbr9bMath Techniques/bbr10bAdvanced Math Principles/bbr11bWriting Skills/bbr12bVocabulary/bbrPART III: THE PRINCETON REVIEW PRACTICE TESTS AND EXPLANATIONSbr13bPractice Test 1/bbr14bAnswers and Explanations to Practice Test 1/bbr15bPractice Test 2/bbr16bAnswers and Explanations to Practice Test 2/b


College Algebra, Digital Videos

February 3, 2011 Posted by

Take the fear out of math once and for all! By following a distinctive approach in explaining algebra, College Algebra helps alleviate the readers’ anxiety toward math. The book encourages them to develop sound study and problem solving skills. In order to make the material more accessible, examples are integrated throughout the chapters that contain more detailed annotations using everyday language. Also, after an example is presented, an exercise is typically included to help readers apply the material right away in order to reinforce the concepts.


Math Essentials, High School Level: Lessons and Activities for Test Pr

February 3, 2011 Posted by

iMath Essentials, High School Level/i gives high school math teachers the tools they need to help prepare all types of students (including gifted and learning disabled) for standards-based mathematics testing. This dynamic book covers thirty key objectives found in a typical secondary mathematics curriculum, including algebraic thinking; graphs, statistics and probability; linear and quadratic functions and their properties; and geometry and measurement with applications. Each objective contains three lessons: manipulative, pictorial, and independent practice. Lessons include worksheets or patterns and answer keys, and each section ends with a practice test and answer key.Additional Objectives.pNotes to the Teacher.pAbout the Author.pbSECTION 1: ALGEBRAIC THINKING AND APPLICATIONS./bpbObjectives./bp1. Simplify algebraic expressions involving one or two variables.p2. Solve a linear equation involving one variable with a fractional coefficient.p3. State an equation with one or more variables that represent a linear relationship in a given situation; apply the equation to solve the problem, if appropriate.p4. Apply number properties to solve word problems.p5. Apply ratio and proportion to solve numeric problems or problems involving variables.p6. Identify two given linear equations, given in algebraic form or graphic form, as parallel, perpendicular, or with the same ix/i- or iy/i-intercept.p7. Identify algebraic equations or graphs needed to represent a system of linear equations described in a given situation; solve the system by a substitution method or a graphical method.pbPractice Test./bpbSECTION 2: GRAPHS, STATISTICS, AND PROBABILITY./bpbObjectives./bp1. Find the probability of a compound event (independent or dependent).p2. Interpret the actions represented by a linear or a quadratic graph or a scatter plot.p3. Find the ordered pairs for the ix/i- and iy/i-intercepts of a given linear equ@2333333 ¾Û€


The 100+ Series Math, Grade K

February 3, 2011 Posted by

html head /head body p Learn your numbers…and have fun doing it! Using illustrations which appeal to young children, the activities included in this book were created to enhance whatever basal program you are using in your classroom. Excellent practice is provided with such beginning math skills as number recognition and discrimination, number word recognition, same number, few/many, more/less, half/whole, time, money, and more. Includes answer key. /p /body /html


Integrated Curriculum & Devel Appr: Birth to Age Eight

February 3, 2011 Posted by

This volume combines research and practice on integrated developmentally appropriate curriculum in a manner that will help theorists, researchers, parents, school administrators, and teachers understand how to match early childhood teaching practices to the integrated manner that young children naturally think and learn. The book features specialists in each of the traditional curriculum areas (e.g., math, science, literacy) who share their expertise on how to accomplish this in practical and meaningful ways based on NAEYC and other professional organization guidelines. What an integrated curriculum means for assessment, children with disabilities, guidance, parenting, social development, and multicultural perspectives in early childhood education is also covered.


Florida Real Estate Sales Exam

February 3, 2011 Posted by

All licensed real estate salespeople in Florida must pass that state’s real estate exam, and this book is designed to helps applicants pass the test. The book features four full-length practice tests that are updated according to the most current standards and come with fully explained answers. The book also contains a glossary of terms, a math review, study and test-taking tips, and a CD-ROM with bonus questions, answers, and explanations. For students who want to get it right the first time, Florida Real Estate Sales Exam provides powerful test-prep.


Spectrum Math Trade Gr 3

February 3, 2011 Posted by

Bestselling Math Workbook series, aligned to state and national standards


Inside the Clown

February 2, 2011 Posted by

Everyone thinks seventeen-year-old Michael Biamonte is a real clown, and in 1958 who would have suspected what was really wrong? But behind the funny facade, Mikeas life is out of control. He canat sleep or focus on his schoolwork, and heas lost his appetite. How can he succeed at track or sing in the variety show feeling as he does? Even his best friend, Frank, doesnat seem to understand. It appears his math teacher, Miss Wustick, wants to make his life miserable, and his classmate, David, is always picking on him. Tony and the guys on the bridge constantly taunt him, and he doesnat think Beverly even cares. How can he go on? Mikeas life isnat worth living. When a suicide attempt fails, he must face up to his fears and begin the difficult road to recovery. Mike learns that there is hope at the end of his tunnel of darkness.


Aufmann Basic College Math Student Support Edition DVD Eighth Edition

February 2, 2011 Posted by

Aufmann Basic College Math Student Support Edition DVD Eighth Edition