February 4, 2011 Posted by

This brand-new manual prepares prospective teachers in the California public school system to pass all three sections of the required statewide test: Reading, Math, and Writing. Following a general introduction and overview of the CBEST, the authors present diagnostic tests in reading and math, both with answers and analysis. Each diagnostic is followed by a full-length test that is much like the Reading and Math tests on the actual CBEST. Both tests come with answer sheets and answer keys. The bookAAA1/2s following chapter covers the Writing Test, and presents example essays with an analysis pointing out the strengths and weaknesses of each. The book concludes with additional brief practice tests and answer keys.


Multiply This!

February 4, 2011 Posted by

– Simplifies complex math concepts.- Rookie Espanol: Geografia: Estados (Geography: States)- Explains concepts using real-life situations and familiar objects.- Clear linkage between text and photos.- Words You Know section to reinforce text.- Index.


Jamestown’s Number Power: Analyzing Data

February 4, 2011 Posted by

Flex mental muscles with our unique math books targeted to struggling readers Straightforward explanations and step-by-step instructions help struggling readers conquer math concepts Real-life examples encourage students to connect math to their own experiences Full scope of math curriculum in 16 books means students can work on specific areas for review Every Number Power book targets a particular set of math skills. Students can work on as many or as few concepts as they need. Diagnostic tests and performance-based prescriptions target problem areas. Short, manageable lessons and step-by-step examples assure success. Each book includes quick-reference pages for using calculators, mental math, formulas, measurements, and estimations.


Cracking the GMAT, 2003 Edition

February 4, 2011 Posted by

bGeoff Martz/battended Dartmouth College and Columbia University, joining The Princeton Review in 1985 as a teacher and writer. Martz headed the development team that designed the Review’s GMAT course. He is the author or coauthor ofbCracking the ACT/b,bPaying for College/b,bCracking the GED/b, andbHow to Survive Without Your Parents’ Money/b.The Princeton Review realizes that acing the GMAT is very different from getting straight As in school. The Princeton Review doesn’t try to teach students everything there is to know about math and English—only the techniques they’ll need to score higher on the exam.iThere’s a big difference/i. InbCracking the GMAT/b, The Princeton Review will teach test takers how to think like the test makers and:brbr* Eliminate answer choices that look right but are planted to fool youbr* Raise your score by practicing with our GMAT Pre-Diagnostic Test, Scoring Guide and Explanationsbr* Use process of elimination to solve tough data sufficiency problemsbr* Master even the toughest sections: Reading Comprehension, Sentence Correction, Data Sufficiency, Critical Reasoning, and morebrbr** Study the techniques and strategies in this book, and then practice them on more than 155 practice questions inside. The Princeton Review will also show readers how to go online and take 4 full-length simulated GMAT exams with instant score analysis. Practice test questions are just like the ones test takers will see on the actual GMAT, and The Princeton Review fully explains every solution.brbriContents Include/i:brbrbI Orientationbr/bOrientationbrHow to Think About the GMATbrCracking the System: Basic PrinciplesbrCracking the system: Intermediate PrinciplesbrCracking the System: Advanced PrinciplesbrTaking the GMATbrbII How to Crack the Math GMATbr/bGMAT Math: Basic PrinciplesbrThe POE and GMAT MathbrArithmeticbrAlgebrabrGeometrybrData Suff?Ð


2 X 2 = Boo!

February 4, 2011 Posted by

How do you make a vampire disappear? How do you turn one bag of candy into five bags? And how do you double a moose head? All you have to do is multiply! Here, in six funny math stories, Loreen Leedy introduces the multiplication facts from 0 through 5.


Judy Moody Goes To College

February 4, 2011 Posted by

A few sessions with a college-age math tutor turns third-grader Judy into a jargon-spouting polygon princess, in the funniest Judy Moody caper yet. Illustrations.


Mathematics, A Step-By-Step Approach Homework Booklet, Grade 2 (homewo

February 4, 2011 Posted by

html head /head body p With bMathematics: A Step-By-Step Approach, Grade 2 Homework Booklet/b students will love building their mathematics skills while completing the fun activities in this great book! Divided into four steps: simple addition, addition and carrying, simple subtraction, and subtraction with borrowing this book also features fun activities that will keep students interested and motivated while learning at the same time. The activities become increasingly more challenging as the book progresses, ensuring that students are always being challenged. /p p /p p Features: /p p A pull-put answer key in the center of the book to make checking answers quick and easy. /p p This book is intended to be completed by the student with little or no help from a parent or teacher, which makes it a great resource for use at home or school. /p p /p p Our extremely popular bHomework Booklet series/b is a must have for any student! /p p /p p Great for reinforcing, reviewing, or teaching specific skills these booklets feature step-by-step practice drills with easy-to-understand directions and highlighted examples. With over 85 titles for children in preschool to high school and covering all key subjects including math, reading, social studies, grammar, foreign language, and more, students will find the extra practice they need to succeed in all subjects! /p p /p p Help your student today and collect all the titles in this amazing series! /p /body /htmlulliMade with the Best Quality Material with your child in mind.liTop Quality Children’s Item./ul


Dracula, Notes

February 4, 2011 Posted by

Cliffs Test Preparation Guides help students prepare for and improve their performance on standardized tests ACT Preparation Guide CBEST Preparation Guide CLAST Preparation Guide ELM Review GMAT Preparation Guide GRE Preparation Guide LSAT Preparation Guide MAT Preparation Guide MATH Review for Standardized Tests MSAT Preparation Guide Memory Power for Exams Police Officer Examination Preparation Guide Police Sergeant Examination Preparation Guide Police Management Examinations Preparation Guide Postal Examinations Preparation Guide Praxis I: PPST Preparation Guide Praxis II: NTE Core Battery Preparation Guide SAT Preparation Guide SAT II Writing Preparation Guide TASP Preparation Guide TOEFL Preparation Guide with 2 cassettes Advanced Practice for the TOEFL with 2 cassettes Verbal Review for Standardized Tests Writing Proficiency Examinations You Can Pass the GED Cliffs Quick Reviews help students in introductory college courses or Advanced Placement classes Algebra I Algebra II Anatomy & Physiology Basic Math and Pre-Algebra Biology Calculus Chemistry Differential Equations Economics Geometry Linear Algebra Microbiology Physics Statistics Trigonometry Cliffs Advanced Placement Preparation Guides help high school students taking Advanced Placement courses to earn college credit AP Biology AP Calculus AB AP Chemistry AP English Language & Composition AP English Literature & Composition AP United States History Cliffs Complete Study Editions are comprehensive study guides with complete text, running commentary and glossary Chaucer’ s Prologue Chaucer’ s Wife of Bath Hamlet Julius Caesar King Henry IV, Part I King Lear Macbeth The Merchant of Venice Othello Romeo andJuliet The Tempest Twelfth Night See inside back cover for listing of Cliffs Notes titles Registered trademarks include: GRE, MSAT, the Praxis Series, and TOEFL (Educational Testing Service): AP, Advanced Placement Program, and SAT (College Entrance Examination Board); GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Council); and LSAT (Law School Admission Council.) Dracula


Practical Problems In Mathematics For Electricians, 8e

February 3, 2011 Posted by

Gain the math skills you need to succeed in the electrical trade with this new edition of Practical Problems in Mathematics for Electricians. Using the same straightforward writing style and simple, step-by-step explanations that made previous editions so reader-friendly, the eighth edition includes updated illustrations and information for a better learning experience than ever before! The book begins with basic arithmetic and then, once these basic topics have been mastered, progresses to algebra and then trigonometry. Practical problems with real-world scenarios from the electrical field are used throughout, allowing readers to apply key mathematical concepts at the same time as they are developing an awareness of basic electrical terms and practices. This is the perfect resource for anyone entering the electrical industry, or simply looking to brush up on the necessary math.Addition of whole numbers Subtraction of whole numbers Multiplication of whole numbers Division of whole numbers Combined operations with whole numbers Addition of common fractions Subtraction of common fractions Multiplication of common fractions Division of common fractions Combined operations with common fractions Addition of decimal fractions Subtractions of decimal fractions Multiplications of decimal fractions Division of decimal fractions Decimal and common fraction equivalents Combined operations with decimal fractions Percent and percentage Interest Discount Averages and estimates Combined problems on percents, averages, and estimates Power Roots Combined operations with powers and roots Metric measure and scientific notation Length measure Area measure Volume and mass measure Energy and temperature measure Combined problems on measure Ratio Proportion Combined operations with ratio and proportion Representations in formulas Rearrangement in formulas General simple formulas Ohm?s law formulas Power formulas Combined problems on formulas Right triangles Trigonometric functions Plane v@CÚáG®{ ¾Û€


Overcoming Math Anxiety

February 3, 2011 Posted by

If you ever said ‘I’m no good at numbers, ‘ this book can change your life , said Gloria Steinem of the first edition of Overcoming Math Anxiety in 1978. And lives were changed. Sheila Tobias said it first: mathematics avoidance is not a failure of intellect, but a failure of nerve. To thousands who once thought they were too dumb in math to do anything about it, Tobias’s political and psychological analysis brought hope. Her pioneering efforts to take the sting out of math made math anxiety a household word. What makes Overcoming Math Anxiety different from books like Innumeracy or Math Made Easy is the author’s role and purpose. Neither a mathematician nor a math teacher, Tobias positions herself on the side of her readers. She knows what they are thinking, because she thinks that way herself. I was always trying to turn math expressions into words .. . she says. The first time I saw negative numbers, I felt confused .. . While her analysis of the causes of their math anxiety (the moment when their third-grade teacher made them stay at the blackboard hunting vainly for their mistake) is an important focus, most of all Tobias wants her readers to face up to the cost of math avoidance in their lives. Why is a smart girl like you counting on your fingers? If you could do math, what else could you do? The new edition retains the author’s pungent analysis of what makes math hard for otherwise successful people and how women, more than men, become victims of a gendered view of math. The chapters on Mathematics and Sex and Right- and Wrongheadedness have been substantially updated to incorporate new research which demonstrates how little we really know about sex differences in brain organization and function. The hands-on experience in Word-Problem Solving , Everyday Math , and Sunday Math have been enlarged to include problems, puzzles, and strategies tried out in hundreds of math anxiety workshops Tobias and her colleagues have sponsored and observed in the past fifteen years. The programs described in detail in the last chapter are all new and include programs for women only, and those with substantial appeal for adults of both sexes returning to school for the training they need to get ahead. What remains unchanged is the author’s politics. Indeed, she sees math anxiety as a political issue. So long as people believe themselves to be disabled in mathematics and do not rise up and confront the social and pedagogical origins of their disabilities, they will be denied math mental health . Tobias defines math mental health not as some bottom line of mathematical competence but as the willingness to learn the math you need when you need it . From this perspective, in an ever more technical society, overcoming math anxiety can make the difference between high and low self-esteem, failure and success.