By following a distinctive approach in explaining algebra, College Algebra helps alleviate the readers anxiety toward math. New sections on modeling have been added at the end of each chapter. Sections have been included on Limits and Early Functions. There are also numerous examples integrated throughout the pages to assure that all problem types are represented. These examples contain more detailed annotations using everyday language. This approach encourages readers to develop sound study and problem solving skills.
Jewel is shuttled from one foster home to another. But Jewel wasn’t always a State Kid. Her mother Angela’s constant search for happiness through a steady stream of unsavory boyfriends leads to the state’s intervention in Jewel’s life. Listening to her new foster mother’s list of nos no drugs, no lying, no stealing, no skipping school, no boys in or out of the house, no being late–Jewel realizes that her mother said yes a lot. Probably too much. She remembers saving Angela’s life when one of many boyfriends beat her, trying to hide another boyfriend’s attempts to rape her when she was fourteen, and being sent to a foster home to please the latest boyfriend. But still, Jewel worries about her mother and knows that she will once again pick up the pieces when the latest jerk leaves. Bit by bit Jewel’s life begins to change for the better after her latest move to a new foster home and school. Although most people can’t see past her tough State Kid faade–spray-painted hair, heavy make-up, ripped clothing and unlaced shoes–her English teacher realizes there’s more to Jewel than meets the eye. He convinces her to tutor a fellow student who needs help with math, and gradually she learns how to make friends. In the process, she touches the lives of many people around her, including her social worker, teachers who believe in her, her new-found, tentative friends, and even their parents. But when she’s forced to choose between her life-long job–taking care of her mother–and doing save her mom. But will she be able to save herself? The Throw-Away Piece is the winner of the Unviersity of California Irvine’s Chicano / Latino Literary Prize.
It’s the Lumpkin family reunion, and Uncle Howie is ready with his camera. All the cousins have to line up by age for their picture. But just as they are ready to say, Sassafras! something goes wrong every time! This picture-perfect tale of family fun illustrates the important math concept of number order. Full-color illustrations.
The American College Testing Assessment Program administers one of the major national college entrance exams–and this new book provides solid preparation for it. There are subject reviews in English, math, reading, and science reasoning, plus two model ACT exams with questions and answers explained.This shorter version of Barronas latest full-size ACT test prep manual presents a diagnostic test and two full-length practice ACTs with all questions answered and explained. Additional features include an overview of the ACT, descriptions of the testas question types, review sections covering English, math, reading, and science reasoning, advice for students taking the optional writing section, and test-taking tips.(back cover)brThis shorter version of Barronas ACT manual presents two full-length practice tests with all questions answered and explained. Additional features include an overview of the ACT, description of the testas question types, general test-taking tips, subject review sections covering English, math, reading, and science reasoning, and special advice for those taking the optional writing test.
Intermediate Algebra, 6/e is part of the latest offerings in the successful Dugopolski series in mathematics. The authors goal is to explain mathematical concepts to students in a language they can understand. In this book, students and faculty will find short, precise explanations of terms and concepts written in understandable language. Given the importance of examples within a math book, the author has paid close attention to the most important details for solving the given topic. Dugopolski includes a double cross-referencing system between the examples and exercise sets, so no matter which one the students start with, they will see the connection to the other.
This new edition will again reflect the curriculum covered by nuclear medicine: raining programs. Its wealth of clinical information makes the book a valuable resource for practitioners as well. The first section provides a foundation in math, statistics, and physics, then presents current information on instrumentation, computer and laboratory sciences, radiochemistry, and radiopharmacology. After general discussion of radiation safety and patient care, each body system is covered in a separate chapter. Each chapter opens with objectives and an outline and closes with multiple choice review questions.
Elementary & Intermediate Algebra, 3/e by Baratto/Bergman is part of the latest offerings in the successful Streeter-Hutchison Series in Mathematics. The third edition continues the hallmark approach of encouraging the learning of mathematics by focusing its coverage on mastering math through practice. This worktext seeks to provide carefully detailed explanations and accessible pedagogy to introduce beginning and intermediate algebra concepts and put the content in context. The authors use a three-pronged approach (I. Communication, II. Pattern Recognition, and III. Problem Solving) to present the material and stimulate critical thinking skills. Items such as Math Anxiety boxes, Check Yourself exercises, and Activities represent this approach and the underlying philosophy of mastering math through practice. The exercise sets have been expanded, organized, and clearly labeled. Vocational and professional-technical exercises have been added throughout. Repeated exposure to this consistent structure should help advance the student’s skills in relating to mathematics. The book is designed for a combined beginning and intermediate algebra course, or it can be used across two courses, and is appropriate for lecture, learning center, laboratory, or self-paced courses. It is accompanied by numerous useful supplements, including McGraw-Hill’s online homework management system, MathZone.
Scheduling is a resource allocation problem which exists in virtually every type of organization. Scheduling problems have produced roughly 40 years of research primarily within the OR community. This community has traditionally emphasized mathematical modeling techniques which seek exact solutions to well formulated optimization problems. While this approach produced important results, many contemporary scheduling problems are particularly difficult. Hence, over the last ten years operations researchers interested in scheduling have turned increasingly to more computer intensive and heuristic approaches. At roughly the same time, researchers in AI began to focus their methods on industrial and management science applications. The result of this confluence of fields has been a period of remarkable growth and excitement in scheduling research. Intelligent Scheduling Systems captures the results of a new wave of research at the forefront of scheduling research, of interest to researchers and practitioners alike. Presented are an array of the latest contemporary tools — math modeling to tabu search to genetic algorithms — that can assist in operational scheduling and solve difficult scheduling problems. The book presents the most recent research results from both operations research (OR) and artificial intelligence (AI) focusing their efforts on real scheduling problems.
Encourage mathematical thinking by guiding readers in finding patterns in their worldat the zoo, on the farm, in their food, and even on themselves. Every place a color or a shape repeatsthats a pattern. And new readers finding patterns in big, full-bleed photosthats foundational math.
Take one adventurous spirit, add structure, and mix well in a creative environment for a wealth of gratifying results. You and your children have a collective reservoir of creativity just waiting to be unleashed, and Drama and Music is your year-round cookbook for incorporating constructive, educational creativity in your daily classroom!You’ll find this easy-to-read, practical format an invaluable guide to developing brief (as well as extended) lessons exploring drama and music, while reinforcing other core subject areas such as math, science and language arts. Drama and Music includes background information on teaching and coaching, as well as activities, fingerplays, stories, pantomime, and an extensive appendix which covers literature, poetry, and music to support your creative endeavors.Intended for use with children from Kindergarten through Grade 3, the techniques in Drama and Music have been successfully tested and enjoyed by children and teachers worldwide. Whether you and your group are gifted, have latent talent, no experience, are introverts, extroverts, or a little of each, Drama and Music brings out the best in everyone, making your class a dynamic, exciting place for learning that your children will look forward to each and every day.