Does 2 + 2 = 4? Ask almost anyone and the answer will be an unequivocal yes. A basic equation such as this seems the very definition of certainty, but how is this so? In this captivating book, Helen Verran addresses precisely that question by looking at how science, mathematics, and logic come to life in Yoruba primary schools. Drawing on her experience as a teacher in Nigeria, Verran describes how she went from the radical conclusion that logic and math are culturally relative, to determining what Westerners find so disconcerting about Yoruba logic and to a new understanding of all generalizing logic. She reveals that in contrast to the one-to-many model found in Western number systems, Yoruba thinking operates by figuring things as wholes and their parts. Quantity is not absolute but always relational. Certainty derives not from abstract logic, but from cultural practice and association. A powerful story of how one woman’s investigation into an everyday African situation led to extraordinary conclusions about the nature of numbers, generalization, and certainty, this book will be a signal contribution to philosophy, anthropology of science, and education.
Posamentiers lucid presentation and gift for conveying the significance of this key equation to those with little math background will inform, entertain, and inspire the reader, once again demonstrating the power and beauty of mathematics!
Graduate Record Exam test takers who feel the need for extra help with math will value this brand-new workbook. Opening chapters present a general description of the GREas General Math Exam, explaining its structure, questions types, and scoring, and advising on strategies for problem solving. Following chapters present detailed practice and review with hundreds of problems and solutions that focus on numbers and number theory, algebra, data analysis, and geometry. The workbook concludes with two full-length math sample sections followed by explained answers.
The major strengths are (1) quite concise and easy to read; (2) many explanations of concepts are approached from industrial point of view which will draw attention from students majoring in engineering. The reading level is good and easy to follow. I really like the style of example solutions. They are great for students!This is an excellent text for teaching chemistry to engineering students. The topics are ones that our engineering faculty has asked us to stress, the pedagogical approach is exactly what the engineering programs have asked for, and the overt attempt to make the material meaningful to engineering students is very important.The authors? writing style is wonderful. I can?t say enough to express how excited I am to have a potential text that communicates this well. I would describe this effort as a General Chemistry book actually written from the foundation up for Engineers rather than a massaged majors-level text. It’s a round peg for a round hole.The authors’ writing style is wonderful. I can’t say enough to express how excited I am to have a potential text that communicates this well. I would describe this effort as a General Chemistry book actually written from the foundation up for Engineers rather than a massaged majors-level text. It’s a round peg for a round hole.The authors writing style is wonderful. I cant say enough to express how excited I am to have a potential text that communicates this well. I would describe this effort as a General Chemistry book actually written from the foundation up for Engineers rather than a massaged majors-level text. Its a round peg for a round hole.To be an engineering major, you’ll need a solid comprehension of basic chemistry. CHEMISTRY FOR ENGINEERING STUDENTS explains chemistry from your angle, demonstrating how it’s relevant to the various engineering fields. From this molecular level to the macro level, this chemistry textbook connects chemistry to math and physics so you won’t be confused. An@QøQë…¸ ¾Ûâ¬
Now completely revised, this classic resource features over 350 all-new activities for every area of the curriculum, including language and literacy, math, science, dramatic play and music and movement. Teachers/parents.
Elementary & Intermediate Algebra, 3/e is part of the latest offerings in the successful Dugopolski series in mathematics. The authors goal is to explain mathematical concepts to students in a language they can understand. In this book, students and faculty will find short, precise explanations of terms and concepts written in understandable language. Given the importance of examples within a math book, the author has paid close attention to the most important details for solving the given topic.
Known for his exceptional and user-friendly writing style, Joseph Healey”s new book provides the essentials of statistics, makes no assumptions about the reader”s knowledge of math, and is very applied in its approach. The book”s primary emphasis is on developing the reader”s skills to become ”statistically literate,” with computational competence and the ability to read social science literature with greater comprehension.