Classroom Math Games Grades 3 – 4 Volume 1

February 11, 2011 Posted by

Classroom Math Games Grades 3 – 4 Volume 1 provides 14 math games that can be easily created for stations, centers or the entire classroom as well as for reinforcement at home. These are games, not worksheets, that are fun, educational and easy to learn. In fact, several of the games such as Clue into Measurement, Tic Tac Know, Ship Shape Battle, Number Golf, and Numeration Concentration are similar to games you most likely already know how to play. The book is perfect for new teachers, teachers new to games, or parents as game making instructions in the book detail tips for making the games. The games in this book have been classroom tested and enjoyed by many. Skills covered by these games include: estimation, place value, adding/subtracting decimals, geometry vocabulary, multiplication/division facts, patterning, Customary and Metric measurement, measurement conversion, probability, and use of formal vocabulary.


730 Daily Math Warm-Ups

February 11, 2011 Posted by

730 Daily Math Warm-Ups


Tight Squeeze : 1582294259

February 11, 2011 Posted by

Having an overachieving super mom for a neighbor is a source of constant struggle for Becca Joy. In comparison, her household seems little more than organized chaos.PEven with a supportive husband and great kids, she is relentlessly weighed down by questions of adequacy. Her life seems fatiguing, and a glance in the mirror doesn’t do much to cheer her up.PThen comes a voice from the past that puts fresh wind in her sails. Her best friend from high school comes to town and the two women rekindle their bond with a girls’ night out and embark on a series of adventures that ultimately bring Becca to a new place of contentment.p align=centerbbigChapter 4/big/bPBy 2:45 we have read the instructions on the test box a dozen timesand followed them precisely. Now we are waiting for the pink lineto appear, or not.PThis is the longest five minutes of my life-longer than waitingto see the principal in the fourth grade after defacing school property(drawing a happy face on my math book), longer even thanwaiting for my mother-in-law to exit the plane after Doug and Imarried a week before the elaborate wedding she planned for us.“Well . . . is it turning colors?” I ask, closing my eyes like I dowhen I don’t want something to be br “It’s starting to look pink. Think about the ice-cream cone. It’sgetting very pink.”PemThis is some kind of chemical reaction, I’m sure. I’ve been drinkingthis terrible-tasting tea for my blood circulation, and that’s why the falsepositive. Cabbage. I had cabbage last night. Maybe there’s something inthe antioxidants that could be causing this./emI’m thinking all this, but Iknow it isn’t Allie shows me the I look at my moment of truth and then close my eyes again.P“The scale didn’t lie. This test isn’t lying either. You are pregnant,girl!” Allie’s brown eyes are PAllie hugs me, and I open my eyes slowly, as though they areglued shut. Her ?Ð


SRA Math: Explorations and Applications

February 11, 2011 Posted by

SRA Math: Explorations and Applications


Handwriting Contemporary Cursive Homework Booklet (homework Booklets)

February 11, 2011 Posted by

html head /head body p Practice makes perfect penmanship! bHandwriting Contemporary Cursive Homework Booklet/b provides a variety of activities to teach contemporary cursive. To make practice fun, the activities include scrambled sentences, matching, and even composing sentences. /p p /p p Features: /p p A pull-put answer key in the center of the book to make checking answers quick and easy. /p p This book is intended to be completed by the student with little or no help from a parent or teacher, which makes it a great resource for use at home or school. /p p /p p Our extremely popular bHomework Booklet series/b is a must have for any student! /p p /p p Great for reinforcing, reviewing, or teaching specific skills these booklets feature step-by-step practice drills with easy-to-understand directions and highlighted examples. With over 85 titles for children in preschool to high school and covering all key subjects including math, reading, social studies, grammar, foreign language, and more, students will find the extra practice they need to succeed in all subjects! /p p /p p Help your student today and collect all the titles in this amazing series! /p /body /htmlulliMade with the Best Quality Material with your child in mind.liTop Quality Children’s Item./ul


Fantasy Soccer and Mathematics: A Resource Guide for Teachers and Parents, Grades 5 and Up

February 11, 2011 Posted by

A great new way to get all students in grades 5 and up excited about math! Fantasy sports are a hit worldwide with over 17 million participants in the U.S. alone.Now teachers and parents can take advantage of this phenomenon to give students a reason to look forward to learning math. Choose from baseball, football, basketball and soccer to plan lessons that last for a week or a whole season, and teach one math concept or many.Students create fantasy teams by picking their favorite real-life players, they follow their player’ s statistics, and they calculate their teams’ total points using algebraic or non-algebraic methods specifically designed to complement the math skills they are learning. The instructions are easy to follow and the dynamic hands-on games address all learning styles and abilities. In addition to the basic fantasy games, there are reproducible worksheets representing over 40 math concepts, graphing activities, quizzes, lesson plans, and an answer key, all complementing the national math standards. The student workbooks include all the reproducibles from the Teacher and Parent Guides. Dan Flockhart, MEd (Fortuna, CA) is a teacher at College of the Redwoods in Eureka, California, and was a middle school math teacher when he first incorporated fantasy sports into his math curriculum. He presents his innovative method of teaching math and fantasy sportsconventions, and maintains a Web site that includes a support forum for teachers as well as contests for students at



February 10, 2011 Posted by

Help your child have fun with math. Shapes is part of the Action Math series by Two-Can Publishing. It”s a series that teaches basic math concepts such as sorting, ordering, matching, counting and more in a fun way. All of the activities use basic household items and contain clear instructions and detailed illustrations. Text boxes on each page also help explain which math skills are being used.


Children And Chess

February 10, 2011 Posted by

Children and Chess: A Guide for Educators is the first book to show the connection between accepted educational theories and chess. The relationship of chess to academic and humanistic educational goals is convincingly illustrated as curriculum and psychological theories from John D. McNeil, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, and Howard Gardner are outlined and applied to the question why chess? Children and Chess features lesson plans teachers can use immediately, and from which they can learn the basics of the game. Since the plans meet academic goals through chess, teachers also learn that chess can be a part of reading, math, science, and social studies. An appendix showing how chess meets the requirements of curriculum standards is another plus. Grades 4-8.


CAHSEE – Mathematics w/ TestWare (REA)

February 10, 2011 Posted by

DIVDIVBConcerned About Passing the CAHSEE Math Exam?/B/DIVDIVBThen You Need REA’s New CAHSEE Test Prep with CD-ROM!/BB/B/DIVDIV /DIVDIVIf you’re concerned about passing the CAHSEE math exam and getting a high school diploma, don’t worry. REA’s new TestWare® edition of our popular California High School Exit Examination (CAHSEE) math test prep helps students sharpen their skills and succeed on this high-stakes exam!/DIVDIV /DIVDIVFully aligned with California’s core curriculum standards, our test prep provides up-to-date instruction and practice high school students need to improve their math abilities. The comprehensive review features student-friendly, easy-to-follow examples that reinforce the concepts tested on the CAHSEE math exam, including: Number Sense; Measurement and Geometry; Statistics, Data Analysis and Probability; Algebra and Functions; and Algebra I./DIVDIV /DIVDIVOur tutorials and targeted drills increase comprehension while enhancing the student’s math skills. Color icons and graphics throughout the book highlight important concepts and tasks. REA’s test-taking tips and strategies give students the confidence they need so they can pass the exam and graduate./DIVDIV /DIVDIVAuthored by a math tutor with 20 years of experience, the book contains two full-length practice exams that allow students to test their knowledge and reinforce what they’ve learned. The interactive CD-ROM TestWare® includes two unique practice tests not found in the book – for a total of four exams! The tests on CD-ROM are given in a timed format with automatic, instant scoring. Each practice exam comes complete with detailed explanations of answers, allowing students to focus on areas in need of further study./DIVDIV /DIVDIVThis book is a must for any California student preparing for the CAHSEE math exam!/DIVDIV /DIV/DIV@$áG®zá ¾Û€


Barron’s ACT

February 10, 2011 Posted by

This brand-new hands-on workbook presents exercises, problems and quizzes with solutions and answers as it progresses through all math and science topics covered on the ACT college entrance test. Separate math chapters cover pre algebra, elementary algebra, intermediate algebra, plane geometry, coordinate geometry, and trigonometry. Separate science chapters cover data representation passages, research summary passages, and conflicting scientific viewpoints. The bookas science sections emphasize the scientific method and focus on how to read scientific passages. A glossary of helpful science terms is provided. Strategies for success are included in every chapter. A full-length practice test reflecting the ACT science and math sections come with explained answers.