Mathematics for College Physics

This entry was posted by Wednesday, 27 April, 2011
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PDesigned for concurrent self-study or remedial math work for students in introductory courses, this text is ideal for students who find themselves unable to keep pace because of a lack of familiarity with necessary mathematical tools. It not only shows them clearly how mathematics is directly applied to physics, but discusses math anxiety in general and how to overcome it. Instead of a rigorous development of the concepts of mathematics (as is found in a typical math book), the text describes the various mathematical concepts and tools (including algebra, trigonometry, geometry, vectors, and statistics) and their direct use in solving physics problems. Almost all sections end with worked-out examples and exercises directly from introductory physics./PPThis book is written for students who plan to take or who are presently taking an algebra-trigonometry-based physics course. The book will develop mathematical skill, provide the students with the competence to use mathematics, and serve as a mathematical resource. Students will find how mathematics is directly applied to physics. Students who have not recently taken a course that required mathematical skill often find themselves unable to keep pace in an introductory physics course because they are not familiar with the necessary mathematical tools. This book is written with these students in mind. Students taking other physics and science courses will also find the book useful./PPThe book consists of seven chapters. Chapter 1 introduces students to physics and mathematics and discusses the role of mathematics in physics. It also discusses how to deal with the math anxiety that many students have, as well as how to develop good study habits. Chapter 2 describes scientific notation, units, and dimension of physical quantities. Chapters 3 through 7 describe the mathematical concepts and tools including algebra, geometry, trigonometry, vector, and statistics, with selected examples and real-world problems. Cha@@j=p£× ¾Û€


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