Fiske New Sat Insiders Guide (fiske Nailing The New Sat)

This entry was posted by Wednesday, 27 April, 2011
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For more than 20 years, the Fiske Guide to Colleges has delivered the lowdown on the nation’s best colleges from the only ones who know the real story-the students themselves. PNow, based on one of the largest surveys of high-scoring SAT-takers ever conducted, the Fiske Guide to Taking the SAT unlocks the secrets of the nation’s most feared standardized test. Every prep class, every tutor, every guidebook preaches their own too-good-to-be-true system, many with guarantees straight from the pens of their advertising department. Now hear the truth that many students learn the hard way. PThe Fiske Guide to Taking the SAT is the first book to take a critical look at the whole process of preparing for the test, from the inflated claims of the Test Prep Giants to the questionable statements of the College Board. You’ll learn: — The truth about raising your score-and why students from coast to coast say not to waste money on an expensive prep course — The ins and outs of the new Writing Section-and why it could be your key to a higher score — Why the new Math section really isn’t about math-and how you can teach yourself to beat it — The inside story of the new SAT-and why you shouldn’t believe everything the test makers say about it


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