Fantasy Baseball and Mathematics: A Resource Guide for Teachers and Parents, Grades 5 and Up

This entry was posted by Tuesday, 26 April, 2011
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A great new way to get all students in grades 5 and up excited about math! Fantasy sports are a hit worldwide with over 17 million participants in the U.S. alone. Now teachers and parents can take advantage of this phenomenon to give students a reason to look forward to learning math. Choose from baseball, football, basketball and soccer to plan lessons that last for a week or a whole season, and teach one math concept or many. Students create fantasy teams by picking their favorite real-life players, they follow their playerÂ’ s statistics, and they calculate their teamsÂ’ total points using algebraic or non-algebraic methods specifically designed to complement the math skills they are learning. The instructions are easy to follow and the dynamic hands-on games address all learning styles and abilities. In addition to the basic fantasy games, there are reproducible worksheets representing over 40 math concepts, graphing activities, quizzes, lesson plans, and an answer key, all complementing the national math standards. The student workbooks include all the reproducibles from the Teacher and Parent Guides. Dan Flockhart, MEd (Fortuna, CA) is a teacher at College of the Redwoods in Eureka, California, and was a middle school math teacher when he first incorporated fantasy sports into his math curriculum. He presents his innovative method of teaching math and fantasy sports conventions, and maintains a Web site that includes a support forum for teachers as well as contests for students at


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