Brighter Child Learning Activities, Grade 2

This entry was posted by Saturday, 23 April, 2011
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Brighter Child Learning Activities helps children in grade 2 learn and reinforce skills – by solving problems, playing games, and completing fun brainteasers. Offering 80 pages of full-color activities, easy-to-follow directions, and complete answer key, children will have fun learning basic skills necessary for school success! Features activities that teach: -Numbers to 100 -Skip counting -Math -Word classification -English -Science & social studies The popular Brighter Child Workbook series offers a full complement of instruction, activities, and information in 51 subject-specific workbooks. Encompassing preschool to grade 6, this series covers key subjects including basic skills, English & grammar, math, phonics, reading, science, and Spanish. This series is helping prepare children by giving them a solid foundation in key skills necessary for success in the classroom!


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