Basic Concepts of Chemistry

This entry was posted by Friday, 22 April, 2011
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The text’s three main goals are to introduce chemistry as a living, relevant science, to encourage learning and critical thinking, and to help readers overcome the math difficulties that impede their progress in chemistry. Designed to help readers master the principles of general chemistry. As a prep book, it promotes active involvement with the material. There are special features throughout that reinforce concepts and help to develop strong problem solving and study skills. Updated to Include an Interactive Learning Ware problems CD containing several of the chapter ending problems from the book in an interactive tutorial with feedback to help readers set up and solve problems.Introduction to the Study of Chemistry.brbrMeasurements in Chemistry.brbrMatter, Changes, and Energy.brbrElements, Compounds, and Their Composition.brbrThe Periodic Table and Chemical Nomenclature.brbrModern Atomic Theory.brbrThe Chemical Bond.brbrChemical Reactions.brbrQuantitative Relationships in Chemistry.brbrThe Gaseous State.brbrThe Solid and Liquid States.brbrAqueous Solutions.brbrAcids, Bases, and Salts.brbrOxidation-Reduction Reactions.brbrReaction Rates and Equilibrium.brbrNuclear Chemistry.brbrOrganic Chemistry.brbrForeword to the Appendices.brbrPhoto Credits.brbrIndex.


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