Real-Life Math: Everyday Use of Mathematical Concepts

This entry was posted by Monday, 14 March, 2011
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.,.thorough and accurate.-Library Media ConnectionReal-Life Math is a high-quality book that will be a fine addition to any mathematics library.-Mathmatics TeacherNearly 50 math concepts are presented with multiple examples of how each is applied in everyday environments, such as work and sports..,.useful as a reference tool….provides useful application ideas across the math curriculum….useful in high school libraries.-Booklist/Reference Books Bulletin.,.intended as a resource for mathematics teachers, providing some possible answers to students’ questions about relevance, and meets th standards set forth by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. But besides its potential use by high school, community college, and beginning college-level teachers, this well written book has a place in public, high-school, and college libraries. Highly recommended. General readers; lower- and upper-division undergraduates; faculty; two-year technical program students.-ChoiceWhat does this have to do with real life? is a question that plagues mathematics teachers across America, as students are confronted with abstract topics in their high school mathematics courses. The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics emphasizes the importance of making real world connections in teaching mathematics so that learning new content is meaningful to students. And in meeting NCTM national standards, this invaluable book provides many insights into the many connections between mathematics applications and the real world. Nearly 50 math concepts are presented with multiple examples of how each is applied in everyday environments, such as the workplace, nature, science, sports, and even parking. From logarithms to matrices to complex numbers, concepts are discussed for a variety of mathematics courses, including: algebra geometry trigonometry analysis probability statistics calculus In one entry, for example, the authors show how angles are used in determining the spaces of@6…¸Që… ¾Û€


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