Cliffstestprep ACT

March 31, 2011 Posted by

This preparation guide to the ACT includes analyses of exams areas, including focus on the English, math, reading, and science reasoning sections; four full-length practice tests with complete answers and explanations; and much more.


Hablo Ingles! Pictures & Words Homework Booklet, Level 1 (homework Boo

March 31, 2011 Posted by

html head /head body p A great book to teach English to Spanish speakers! /p p /p p Any age can learn English with this great book! bHablo Ingles! Pictures & Words, Level 1 Homework Booklet/b focuses on building a basic English vocabulary through pictures, copying, and suggested pronunciations. All words are offered in both English and Spanish! /p p /p p Features: /p p A pull-put answer key in the center of the book to make checking answers quick and easy. /p p This book is intended to be completed by the student with little or no help from a parent or teacher, which makes it a great resource for use at home or school. /p p /p p Our extremely popular bHomework Booklet series/b is a must have for any student! /p p /p p Great for reinforcing, reviewing, or teaching specific skills these booklets feature step-by-step practice drills with easy-to-understand directions and highlighted examples. With over 85 titles for children in preschool to high school and covering all key subjects including math, reading, social studies, grammar, foreign language, and more, students will find the extra practice they need to succeed in all subjects! /p p /p p Help your student today and collect all the titles in this amazing series! /p /body /html


Math Made Easy: Fourth Grade

March 31, 2011 Posted by

The complete home-study program to help children practice the essential math skills they learn in school. Matches the math curriculum so your children will reach their full potential in school — and on important standardized tests! The successful way to improve your child’s math. These workbooks have been compiled and tested by a team of math experts to increase your child’s confidence, enjoyment, and success at school. Fourth Grade: Provides practice at all the major topics for Grade 4 with emphasis on multiplication and division of larger numbers. Includes a review of Grade 3 topics and a preview of topics in Grade 5. Includes Times Tables practice.


Gcse – Level Mathematics In Large Print: Book 1

March 30, 2011 Posted by

This book provides straightforward and concise notes on some of the topics required for successful study of GCSE, IGCSE or SQA Standard Grade Mathematics. It is the first in what will be a short series of Large Print textbooks covering most of the topics in the above mentioned courses. The print size is generally 18-point or above. brbr Subjects dealt with in this book include Metric/Imperial Units, all aspects of Number Work, Fractions and Percentages. Exercises and Answers are included. Without detracting from the mathematical content, the author has attempted to explain the subject matter in a clear and readable way, providing annotated worked examples of answers to exam-level questions. brbr His tutoring experience has led the author to believe that the most effective way of teaching mathematics at the secondary level is to adopt a generally ‘traditional’ approach. Over-reliance on calculators together with attempts in some books to make maths ‘cool’ by the addition of comical graphics or cartoon characters, do tend (in his opinion) to be counterproductive. The ‘traditional’ approach has therefore been used in the writing of this book. The author makes no apology for emphasising the importance of knowing, for example, the Multiplication Tables or how to ‘cancel-down’ a fraction. brbr GCSE-Level Mathematics in Large Print: Book 1 could be used:br as a class textbook, or to complement class work as a reference and revision guide in preparation for the exams.


A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, Notes

March 30, 2011 Posted by

Cliffs Test Preparation Guides help students prepare for and improve their performance on standardized tests ACT Preparation Guide CBEST Preparation Guide CLAST Preparation Guide ELM Review GMAT Preparation Guide GRE Preparation Guide LSAT Preparation Guide MAT Preparation Guide MATH Review for Standardized Tests MSAT Preparation Guide Memory Power for Exams Police Officer Examination Preparation Guide Police Sergeant Examination Preparation Guide Police Management Examinations Preparation Guide Postal Examinations Preparation Guide Praxis I: PPST Preparation Guide Praxis II: NTE Core Battery Preparation Guide SAT Preparation Guide SAT II Writing Preparation Guide TASP Preparation Guide TOEFL Preparation Guide with 2 cassettes Advanced Practice for the TOEFL with 2 cassettes Verbal Review for Standardized Tests Writing Proficiency Examinations You Can Pass the GED Cliffs Quick Reviews help students in introductory college courses or Advanced Placement classes Algebra I Algebra II Anatomy & Physiology Basic Math and Pre-Algebra Biology Calculus Chemistry Differential Equations Economics Geometry Linear Algebra Microbiology Physics Statistics Trigonometry Cliffs Advanced Placement Preparation Guides help high school students taking Advanced Placement courses to earn college credit AP Biology AP Calculus AB AP Chemistry AP English Language & Composition AP English Literature & Composition AP United States History Cliffs Complete Study Editions are comprehensive study guides with complete text, running commentary and glossary Chaucer’s Prologue Chaucer’s Wife of Bath Hamlet Julius Caesar King Henry IV, Part I King Lear Macbeth The Merchant of Venice Othello Romeo and Juliet The TempestTwelfth Night See inside back cover for listing of Cliffs Notes titles Registered trademarks include: GRE, MSAT, the Praxis Series, and TOEFL (Educational Testing Service): AP, Advanced Placement Program, and SAT (College Entrance Examination Board); GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Council); and LSAT (Law School Admission Council.) Portrait of the Artist


First Shape Book

March 30, 2011 Posted by

DIVThis delightful early learning book is the perfect way to introduce young children to basic concepts of shape, size, and appearance. The colorful images, clear captions, and probing questions will encourage children to develop early learning skills. Packed with fun and colorful games and puzzles, the First Shape Book is guaranteed to become a firm favorite on every bookshelf, encouraging children to take an active interest in their surroundings. By becoming familiar with circles, triangles, squares, and rectangles, a child will develop the skills used in writing and early math. By finding these shapes in different contexts, a child will develop the skills used in reading and writing. By identifying differences in size and between two-dimensional and three-dimensional objects, a child will develop further skills used in math. Includes introductory tips for parents and a colorful, pull-out first shapes poster. The perfect companion to the First Word Book and First Number Book./DIVDIVThis elaborate concept book encourages identification and matching. Uncluttered cartoon illustrations fill each spread with movement and bold color. This is an excellent sequential presentation for children’s collections and curriculum materials, with imaginative, easily identifiable artwork./DIVDIVPatti Barber has been a primary school teacher, and a deputy head teacher. A lecturer at The University of London’s Institute of Education, she is responsible for elementary mathematics curriculum development. Her publications include Nursery Mathematics and Foundation Mathematics./DIVDIV /DIVDIVAnn Montague-Smith is a professor of early education at University College, Worcester, in the U.K. She was a primary school teacher before becoming an early education specialist in mathematics./DIV


Math Practice Book

March 30, 2011 Posted by

Math Practice Book


Geometry and Measurements: Grade 5

March 29, 2011 Posted by

Hot Math Topics is the exciting new series from Dale Seymour Publications that offers hands-on activities to promote real-world math thinking. Included in the series are two attractively illustrated resource books for each grade level (grades 1-5) that cover key math topics with 100 innovative, real-world problems and tasks per book. The books can be used by children in class or at home with their families.


Stochastic Approximation and Recursive Algorithms and Applications

March 29, 2011 Posted by

The book presents a thorough development of the modern theory of stochastic approximation or recursive stochastic algorithms for both constrained and unconstrained problems. There is a complete development of both probability one and weak convergence methods for very general noise processes. The proofs of convergence use the ODE method, the most powerful to date, with which the asymptotic behavior is characterized by the limit behavior of a mean ODE. The assumptions and proof methods are designed to cover the needs of recent applications. The development proceeds from simple to complex problems, allowing the underlying ideas to be more easily understood. Rate of convergence, iterate averaging, high-dimensional problems, stability-ODE methods, two time scale, asynchronous and decentralized algorithms, general correlated and state-dependent noise, perturbed test function methods, and large devitations methods, are covered. Many motivational examples from learning theory, ergodic cost problems for discrete event systems, wireless communications, adaptive control, signal processing, and elsewhere, illustrate the application of the theory. This second edition is a thorough revision, although the main features and the structure remain unchanged. It contains many additional applications and results, and more detailed discussion. Harold J. Kushner is a University Professor and Professor of Applied Mathematics at Brown University. He has written numerous books and articles on virtually all aspects of stochastic systems theory, and has received various awards including the IEEE Control Systems Field Award.pFrom the reviews of the second edition:ppThis is the second edition of an excellent book on stochastic approximation, recursive algorithms and applications ??? . Although the structure of the book has not been changed, the authors have thoroughly revised it and added additional material ??? . (Evelyn Buckwar, Zentralblatt MATH, Vol. 1026, 2004)pThe book attempts @YÜ(õÂ? ¾Û€


Math Pupil Edition L1 5vol Set 05

March 29, 2011 Posted by

Math Pupil Edition L1 5vol Set 05