Math K -1e Homeschool Kit

February 20, 2011 Posted by

Math K -1e Homeschool Kit


Using Math To Conquer Extreme Sports

February 20, 2011 Posted by

– Data and fact boxes- Activities- Charts, Graphs, Tables


Math for God’s Glory

February 20, 2011 Posted by

Math for God’s Glory surveys mathematics in the Bible. Its goal is to provide a doctrinal basis for mathematics. This provides a firm foundation for each branch of mathematics in contrast to the false philosophies of mathematics which promote science, logic, math itself, or the human mind as the basis for mathematics. With these false philosophies so prevalent in schools across America, it is important to know and teach the true foundation. The book is inspired by Henry Morris, who did a similar book for the sciences entitled The Biblical Basis of Modern Science.


Introduction to Technical Mathematics

February 20, 2011 Posted by

bAllyn Washington/bwas born and educated in Connecticut, where he also began teaching at Trinity College, his alma mater. He taught at Boise Junior College (now Boise State University) before joining the newly forming Dutchess Community College, in Poughkeepsie, New York, where he began writingiBasic Technical Mathematics/i.p style=margin: 0px; /pp style=margin: 0px;At the time, technical mathematics did not have a text that gave students the math they needed to successfully achieve their goals in the technical mathematics program. Al decided to write a book that specifically aligned itself with the technical programs these students were taking. He wanted his text to be flexible, allowing instructors to teach in ways that would most benefit their students. Through his vision and determination, Allyn Washington created theiTechnical Mathematics/iseries./pp style=margin: 0px; /phr style=width: 100%; height: 2px;p style=margin: 0px; /pp style=margin: 0px;bMario F. Triola/bis a Professor Emeritus of Mathematics at Dutchess Community College, where he has taught statistics for over 30 years. Marty is the author ofiElementary Statistics, 10th Edition/i,iElementary Statistics Using Excel/i,iElementary Statistics Using the TI-83 84 Plus Calculator/i, and he is a co-author ofiBiostatistics for the Biological and Health Sciences/i,iStatistical Reasoning for Everyday Life/i, andiBusiness Statistics/i. He has written several manuals and workbooks for technology supporting statistics education. Outside of the classroom, Marty has been a speaker at many conferences and colleges. His consulting work includes the design of casino slot machines and fishing rods, and he has worked with attorneys in determining probabilities in paternity lawsuits, identifying salary inequities based on gender, analyzing disputed election results, analyzing medical data, and analyzing medical school surveys. Marty ha@FlÌÌÌÌÍ ¾Û€


Intermediate Algebra

February 20, 2011 Posted by

KEY MESSAGE: Gary Rockswold and Terry Krieger focus on teaching algebra in context, giving readers realistic and convincing answers to the perennial question, When will I ever use this? The authors’ consistent use of real data, graphs, and tables throughout the examples and exercise sets gives meaning to the numbers and equations as readers encounter them. This new edition further enhances Rockswold and Krieger’s focus on math in the real world with new features and updated applications to engage today’s readers. KEY TOPICS: Real Numbers and Algebra; Linear Functions and Models; Linear Equations and Inequalities; Systems of Linear Equations; Polynomial Expressions and Functions; Rational Expressions and Functions; Radical Expressions and Functions; Quadratic Functions and Equations; Exponential and Logarithmic Functions; Conic Sections; Sequences and Series MARKET: For all readers interested in algebra.


Quantitative Reasoning And the Environment

February 20, 2011 Posted by

An introductory quantitative math book with an environmental theme. The emphasis of this text is on analyzing real environmental information and problems, using mathematics accessible to students with an intermediate algebra background. Students using this text will develop mathematical (and environmental) literacy as they model natural processes using algebraic, graphical and numerical methods, and analyze data quantitatively to assist in objective decision making. The textbook is comprised of 4 principal sections: (1) basic numeracy; (2) function modeling; (3) difference equation modeling, and; (4) elementary statistics. Furthermore, this textbook combines both a reform and traditional approach. Traditional in that each chapter presents introductory material, worked examples, multiple student problems, and solutions to odd exercises. It is reform in that it investigates material through a synthesis of algebraic, graphical, numerical and verbal approaches.


Math Games: Centers for Up to 6 Players, Level C

February 20, 2011 Posted by

Math Games: Centers for Up to 6 Players, Level C


Content Matters: A Disciplinary Literacy Approach to Improving Student

February 20, 2011 Posted by

An authoritative guide for improving teaching, learning, and literacy in content area classroomsThis book introduces teachers to the Disciplinary Literacy instructional framework developed by the Institute for Learning, University of Pittsburgh. Grounded in the Principles of Learning developed by acclaimed educator Lauren Resnick, the framework is designed to prepare students, grades 6 and up, to master the rigorous academic content learning required for college success. Unlike ‘generic’ teaching models, the framework is specifically tailored for each of the content disciplines. Highly practical, the book shows teachers how to integrate literacy development and thinking practices into their routine content instruction, with separate chapters devoted to math, science, history, and English/language arts. The book also shows how school instructional leaders can support teachers in learning and using this instructional approach.Offers an innovative approach for improving literacy, thinking, and content learning in secondary studentsIncludes detailed instructional guidance plus numerous classroom examples of lessons, dialogs, and teaching routinesFeatures chapters on each of the content areas-math, science, language arts, and social sciencesProvides leadership guidance in implementing the methodForeword written by internationally acclaimed educator and cognitive scientist Lauren ResnickForeword (Lauren B. Resnick).Preface.Acknowledgments.The Editors.The Authors.1 Engaging Content Teachers in Literacy Development (Stephanie M. McConachie, Anthony R. Petrosky).2 Disciplinary Literacy: A Principle-Based Framework (Stephanie M. McConachie).3 Disciplinary Literacy in the History Classroom (Anita K. Ravi).4 Disciplinary Literacy in the Mathematics Classro@1¡G®zá ¾Û€


Scholastic Tic-Tac-Math

February 20, 2011 Posted by

Each tic-tac-toe grid comes with nine activities that reinforce key math concepts, such as counting, addition, subtraction, time, money, and more. Students can play classic tic-tac-toe, solving problems to get three X’s or O’s in a row. Teachers can assign the sheets for homework, center choice, or independent work. A fun way to meet NCTM standards!


Colorful File Folder Games Grade 3: Skill-Building Center Activities for Language Arts and Math

February 19, 2011 Posted by

Make the most of your class time with skill-based games that students can take to their seats! Playful illustrations invite children to master important concepts. Comprised of 16-20 full-color games that can be assembled with ease, each book covers a variety of language arts and math skills.