How Nurses Use Math

February 22, 2011 Posted by

When you visit a doctor”s office or a hospital, chances are you come into contact with a nurse, a skilled professional who uses math everyday to do his or her job. How Nurses Use Math illustrates how nurses use math to calculate medication dosages and judge the health and safety of their patients.



February 22, 2011 Posted by

For college math students, this volume is intended as an accessible, user-friendly introduction to the main ideas, methods, and applications of first-year calculus. It covers equations, functions, and graphs; limits; derivatives; integrals and antiderivatives; word problems; applications of integrals to geometry; and much more. Includes summaries, exercises, and background material.


Body Math

February 22, 2011 Posted by

Body Math


Princeton Review: Cracking the GRE CAT with Sample Tests on CD-ROM, 20

February 22, 2011 Posted by

Karen Lurie lives in New York City. She has written five books, including the LSAT/GRE Analytic Workout and Crash Course for the GRE.WE KNOW THE GRE CATbrThe experts at The Princeton Review take the GRE CAT and other standardized tests each year to make sure you get the most up-to-date, thoroughly researched books possible.brbrWE KNOW STUDENTSbrEach year we help more than two million students score high with our courses, bestselling books, and award-winning software.brbrWE GET RESULTSbrStudents who take our six-week GRE CAT course have an average score increase of 212 points (verified by International Communications Research). The proven techniques we teach in our course are in this book.brbrAND IF IT’S ON THE GRE CAT, IT’S IN THIS BOOKbrAcing the computer-adaptive GRE is very different from getting a 4.0 in college. We dont’ try to teach you everything there is to know about English, math, or analytic thinking. We just tell you what you’ll need to know to score high on the GRE CAT. There’s a big difference. In Cracking the GRE CAT, we’ll teach you now to think like the test makers andbrbr*Eliminate answer choices that look right but are planted to fool youbr*Solve GRE CAT analogies when you’re not sure what all the words meanbr*Master the vocabulary words that appear most often on the GRE CATbr*Solve GRE CAT algebra problems by plugging in numbers in place of lettersbrbrThis book includes more than 135 simulated computer-adaptive test questions. The questions in this book are the same kind of problems you’ll see on the actual GRE CAT, and we fully explain every solution.brbrbThis book also includes four full-length sample GRE CATs on a Windows and Macintosh CD-ROM. Quick feedback–predict your GRE CAT score instantly./b


Using Money on a Shopping Trip

February 21, 2011 Posted by

This series covers the range of math concepts and skills that students are expected to master during second grade. The series moves sequentially through the math curriculum, using practical examples to show how people use math every day in the real world. Each book is leveled to match students” reading skills as they progress through second grade.


Gcse Level Mathematics In Large Print – Book 3

February 21, 2011 Posted by

This book provides straight forward and concise notes on some of the topics required for successful study of GCSE, IGCSE, or SQA Standard Grade Mathematics. It is the third in what will be a short series of Large Print textbooks covering most of the topics in the above-mentioned courses. The print size is generally 20-point or above. brbr This book continues where Book 2 left off, and consists of the remaining topics in Algebra (such as Quadratic Factorisation, Solving Quadratic Equations and solving both Linear and Quadratic Inequalities). Exercises and Answers are included. brbr Without detracting from the mathematical content, the author has attempted to explain the subject matter in a clear and readable way, providing annotated worked examples of answers to exam-level questions. brbr His tutoring experiance has led the author to believe that the most effective way of teaching mathematics at the secondary level is to adopt a generally ‘traditional’ approach. Over-reliance on calculators, together with attempts in some books to make maths ‘cool’ by the addition of comical graphics or cartoon characters, do tend (in his opinion) to be counterproductive. The ‘traditional’ approach has therefore been used in the writing of this book. The author makes no apology for emphasising the importance of knowing, for example, the Multiplication Tables or how to ‘cancel-down’ a fraction. brbr GCSE-Level Mathematics in Large Print. Book 3br br Could be used:br br –as a class textbook, or to complement class workbr –as a reference and revision guide in preparation for the exams.


Using Excel With High Speed 2003 College Edition

February 21, 2011 Posted by

You’ve made the wisest choice in learning Excel with this book. Sometimes, there is a big gap between learning and doing. Not with this book! The student will be practicing with real life numbers, presented in an easy to understand format. This book takes most of the tools and shows students how use them with speed and confidence. It is a step-by-step manual for processing worksheets, running reports, creating charts and much more. Because the exercises are based on accounting and finance principles, the textbook is a pre-requisite for accounting and finance courses or used concurrently. The book is excellent for non-students and the topics are too many to be listed here and they include the following: Macro, Find & Replace, Conditional Sum, Sort and Filter, Solver, Lookup, Subtotal, Go To, Conditional Formatting, Validation, Header & Footer, Pivot Table, Consolidate, Custom View, Charts, Group and Outline, Functions, Share Workbook, Name Function, Fill Function, Date & Time, Track Changes, Reports, Tables, Math & Trigonometry, Protection, Pictures, Objects, Statistical, Goal Seek, SmartArt, What If, Auditing, E-mail, Page Setup, Comments, Symbol, Auto Format, Style, Form, Text to Columns, List, Split, Freeze Pane, Concatenate, Left, Mid, & Right Functions, SumIF, and much more… Title pages include the following: Activities Practice Sessions Exercises True or False Questions Multiple Choice Questions Mid Term Examination (Teachers Only) Final Examination (Teachers Only) Who is eligible to purchase? Students Faculty Schools Libraries Non-Academic (General Public)



February 21, 2011 Posted by



SAT Math Subject Test with the TI 83 – 84 Family with 10 Fully Solved

February 21, 2011 Posted by

DIVConcentrate forty hours of mathematics into four hours with the short-cut methods found in this book. Combine the capabilities of TI 83 – 84 brand of graphing calculators with mathematics content knowledge for a quick increase in the SAT math subject tests./DIVDIVRusen Meylani is a researcher, educator, and academician affiliated with Arizona State University. He has taught at several distinguished K-12, undergraduate, and graduate institutions in Europe and has given many seminars in the United States on the usage of technology in high school mathematics classrooms./DIV


Maximum SAT

February 21, 2011 Posted by

The Second Edition of the best-selling Maximum SAT, the UNOFFICIAL companion to The Official SAT Study Guide, is here! Now with a unique new approach to mastering Reading Comprehension! Improved and expanded from the first edition, Maximum SAT by Achieve Tutorials is unique: it is designed to be the UNOFFICIAL companion to The Official SAT Study Guide. It is written and edited by an elite group of SAT tutors, each with over 15 years of experience raising SAT scores. Each lesson covers the materials, tricks and traps you need to maximize your SAT scores, and then points you to REAL SAT questions in The Official SAT Study Guide so you can master the material you just learned. Maximum SAT covers everything you need to know about Math, Critical Reading and Writing. It also includes plenty of sample problems and timed drills to help you further master the skills you’ve learned. Buy Maximum SAT and The Official SAT Study Guide, and use them side by side.