You’ve made the wisest choice in learning Excel with this book. Sometimes, there is a big gap between learning and doing. Not with this book! The student will be practicing with real life numbers, presented in an easy to understand format. This book takes most of the tools and shows students how use them with speed and confidence. It is a step-by-step manual for processing worksheets, running reports, creating charts and much more. Because the exercises are based on accounting and finance principles, the textbook is a pre-requisite for accounting and finance courses or used concurrently. The book is excellent for non-students and the topics are too many to be listed here and they include the following: Macro, Find & Replace, Conditional Sum, Sort and Filter, Solver, Lookup, Subtotal, Go To, Conditional Formatting, Validation, Header & Footer, Pivot Table, Consolidate, Custom View, Charts, Group and Outline, Functions, Share Workbook, Name Function, Fill Function, Date & Time, Track Changes, Reports, Tables, Math & Trigonometry, Protection, Pictures, Objects, Statistical, Goal Seek, SmartArt, What If, Auditing, E-mail, Page Setup, Comments, Symbol, Auto Format, Style, Form, Text to Columns, List, Split, Freeze Pane, Concatenate, Left, Mid, & Right Functions, SumIF, and much more… Title pages include the following: Activities Practice Sessions Exercises True or False Questions Multiple Choice Questions Mid Term Examination (Teachers Only) Final Examination (Teachers Only) Who is eligible to purchase? Students Faculty Schools Libraries Non-Academic (General Public)