Ranging freely from exponents to light-years to numbers found in nature, this smorgasbord of math concepts and trivia makes a perfect gift book for the budding young mathematician.
Ranging freely from exponents to light-years to numbers found in nature, this smorgasbord of math concepts and trivia makes a perfect gift book for the budding young mathematician.
Paul Halpern is a gifted writer who brings science and scientists alive. This is a wonderful introduction to the world of high-energy physics, where gigantic machines and tiny particles meet.Kenneth Ford, retired director of the American Institute of Physics and author of The Quantum World: Quantum Physics for EveryoneProfessor Paul Halpern takes the reader on a stimulating odyssey on topics ranging from particle physics and dark matter to unexplored dimensions of space. The masterful Halpern likens the physicist’s quest to the excavation of archaeologists who seek to uncover ‘new treasures’ as they unearth wondrous gems that lay hidden all around us. Buy this book and feed your mind!Dr. Cliff Pickover, author of Archimedes to Hawking and The Math BookWith clarity and a Sagan-esque gift for explanation, Paul Halpern traces the story of how physicists use immensely powerful machines to probe the deepest mysteries of existence. Halpern also conclusively debunks the ludicrous claims that the Large Hadron Collider and other high-energy physics experiments threaten to destroy anythingexcept our residual ignorance about the nature and workings of our wondrous universe.Mark Wolverton, author of The Science of Superman and A Life in Twilight: The Final Years of J. Robert OppenheimerA gem. The prose sparkles, the descriptions are exquisitely understandable, and the narrative is just plain fun. This book will charm experts, students, and anyone interested in scientific exploration.Catherine Westfall, Visiting Associate Professor of the History of Science at Lyman Briggs College, Michigan State University, and coauthor of Fermilab: Physics, the Frontier, and MegasciencePaul Halpern has written a masterful account of particle accelerators and the theories they are constructed to investigate in a very accessible and engaging style. As the world’s largest accelerator begins its sea@.8Që…¸ ¾Ûâ¬
No need to spend hours and hours pulling together the materials and activities to make themed units. All About the Pond is the ultimate resource for teaching children about a pond and for practicing important language and math skills that help children make cross-curricular connections. This wonderfully illustrated thematic unit has an easy-to-use format that makes it a must-have!
The clock is ticking the night hours away, but Chester, Leon, and Maury aren’t sleeping. These three pets lead children into playing math games on their own while improving their counting, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and other math skills.
html head /head body p Brush up on skills and review foggy details from fourth grade! /p p /p p bFourth Grade in Review Homework Booklet /bprepares children for fifth grade with activities that review and reinforce many of the concepts and skills taught in fourth grade. Language arts, reading, math, science, and social studies are just a few topics children will brush up on while completing the entertaining activities in this book! Children will be more than ready for fifth grade after working through this fantastic book. /p p /p p Features: /p p A pull-put answer key in the center of the book to make checking answers quick and easy. /p p This book is intended to be completed by the student with little or no help from a parent or teacher, which makes it a great resource for use at home or school. /p p /p p Our extremely popular bHomework Booklet series/b is a must have for any student! /p p /p p Great for reinforcing, reviewing, or teaching specific skills these booklets feature step-by-step practice drills with easy-to-understand directions and highlighted examples. With over 85 titles for children in preschool to high school and covering all key subjects including math, reading, social studies, grammar, foreign language, and more, students will find the extra practice they need to succeed in all subjects! /p p /p p Help your student today and collect all the titles in this amazing series! /p /body /htmlulliMade with the Best Quality Material with your child in mind.liTop Quality Children’s Item./ul
Many teachers don”t know how to design child-directed math activities and often wind up relying on teacher-directed activities that emphasize memorization. Greg Nelson provides pre-designed, child-centered activities that engage and challenge students to learn math at their own level. Teachers place these easy-to-construct, inexpensive activities on the shelf for children to use when they are developmentally ready and interested.
Partial Contents: Quest of Freedom, Undiscovered Country, Miracles, Failure of Common Sense, Function of Science, Math
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iMathematics for the Digital Age and Programming in Python/i is written in the same engaging not-for-dummies style as the Litvins’ earlier books, but it is aimed at younger students It offers a unique blend of mathematics and programming, designed to give students in introductory computer science courses an appreciation for the rigorous mathematics relevant to computing, as well as practical skills for writing programs. pThe vision behind this book is that math and computer science should help each other. A programmer needs to be comfortable with abstractions, and that is precisely what math teaches. Computer science reciprocates by providing models and hands-on exercises that help clarify and illustrate more abstract math. Most importantly, both teach precision thinking an important means of solving problems that call for exact solutions. PPython was chosen because it is a popular commercial programming language that is well-supported, easy to get started with, and free. Python has many powerful features intended for software professionals, but it also has a convenient subset accessible to beginners. PSome students may choose to study AP Computer Science in high school, or major in CS in college. Others may decide to go into math, science, law, art, social sciences, or humanities. Regardless of your goals, iMathematics for the Digital Age and Programming in Python/i will help you gain a better understanding of the computerized world around you.