Plenty of examples, practice problems, and learning tools provide the perfect math review for health professionals! With just the right level of content and highly illustrated example problems, this user-friendly worktext helps you learn and understand fundamental math principles and understand how they apply to patient care.
Turtle Geometry presents an innovative program of mathematical discovery that demonstrates how the effective use of personal computers can profoundly change the nature of a student’s contact with mathematics.” A college-level math text for serious mathematicians and fans of recreational mathematics. This book proves that turtle graphics is not just kid stuff.” – Popular Computing” Reading this book with the help of a good graphics computer system, you are sure to discover new and interesting math … an excellent textbook or self-study guide.” – W. Lloyd Milligan, Byte& quot; A college-level math text for serious mathematicians and fans of recreational mathematics. This book proves that turtle graphics is not just kid stuff.& quot; – Popular Computing& quot; Reading this book with the help of a good graphics computer system, you are sure to discover new and interesting math … an excellent textbook or self-study guide.& quot; – W. Lloyd Milligan, ByteA college-level math text for serious mathematicians and fans of recreational mathematics. This book proves that turtle graphics is not just kid stuff. – Popular ComputingReading this book with the help of a good graphics computer system, you are sure to discover new and interesting math … an excellent textbook or self-study guide. – W. Lloyd Milligan, ByteTurtle Geometry presents an innovative program of mathematical discovery that demonstrates how the effective use of personal computers can profoundly change the nature of a student’s contact with mathematics. Using this book and a few simple computer programs, students can explore the properties of space by following an imaginary turtle across the screen. The concept of turtle geometry grew out of the Logo Group at MIT. Directed by Seymour Papert, author of Mindstorms, this group has done extensive work with preschool children, high school students and university undergraduates. Harold Abelson is an associate professor in the Depar@¦ffffg ¾Ûâ¬
This book will be a nuts and bolts guide to working with the TI-Nspire products, providing everything the user needs to get up and running and get the most out of this high-powered math tool.
This flexible course is suitable for all the 2003 specifications, whether linear or modular.SMP Interact for GCSE Mathematics has been written specifically for the new linear and modular GCSE specifications. It has been extensively trialled and successfully used in schools, proving to be highly motivating for students. SMP Interact for GCSE Mathematics is a self-contained course which can be used by schools whether or not they have used SMP Interact at Key Stage 3. It is available at Foundation, Intermediate and Higher tiers. Coverage of a whole tier in one book provides a flexible course to fit with schemes of work and gives the opportunity for revision of previous topics. Each students’ book has an accompanying teacher’s guide, practice book and pack of resource sheets.In twenty four years as a Head of Department this is the best scheme that I have seen. Mike King, Head of Maths, Hastingbury Upper School, Bedfordshire
html head /head body p bMath: An Integrated Approach, Grade 2 Homework Booklet /bhelps students enjoy mastering math skills as they work through the pages in this fun and engaging book. This grade 2 book introduces students to two- and three-digit addition and subtraction through 18, graphing, problem solving, telling time and using money, and a brief introduction to multiplication. /p p /p p Features: /p p A pull-put answer key in the center of the book to make checking answers quick and easy. /p p This book is intended to be completed by the student with little or no help from a parent or teacher, which makes it a great resource for use at home or school. /p p /p p Our extremely popular bHomework Booklet series/b is a must have for any student! /p p /p p Great for reinforcing, reviewing, or teaching specific skills these booklets feature step-by-step practice drills with easy-to-understand directions and highlighted examples. With over 85 titles for children in preschool to high school and covering all key subjects including math, reading, social studies, grammar, foreign language, and more, students will find the extra practice they need to succeed in all subjects! /p p /p p Help your student today and collect all the titles in this amazing series! /p /body /htmlulliMade with the Best Quality Material with your child in mind.liTop Quality Children’s Item./ul
The key to your child’s educational success is in your hands Knowledge Essentials is a remarkable series that will benefit children of all abilities and learning styles. . . . I highly recommend it for all parents who want to make a difference in their children’s education. Michael Gurian, author of Boys and Girls Learn Differently and The Wonder of Boys Finally, a book about teaching young children by somebody who knows her stuff! LouAnne Johnson, author of Dangerous Minds and The Queen of Education In this new addition to the Knowledge Essentials series, Kindergarten Success shows you how to enrich your child’s classroom learning and take an active role in your kindergartner’s education by exploring: What your child is learning at school and the educational standards to expect in math, language arts, science, and social studies as well as the developmental skills expected of your kindergartener Your child’s learning style visual, auditory, or kinesthetic and how it affects the way your child learns and processes information Hundreds of easy-to-do activities designed to help your child meet specific learning requirements Environmental learning sections that identify learning opportunities in the everyday world Methods and checklists to assess your child’s progress The developmental and social changes expected of your kindergartener as well as information on how to determine readiness to move up to the first grade Recommendations of age-appropriate books and software that will enhance learning Give your child the gift of your time and help him or her get the most out of school with Kindergarten Success.
Whether you are a TEACHER, PARENT, OR CHILD CARE PROVIDER, Creative Resources for the Early Childhood Classroom, 4E is the one resource you will treasure. Newly updated and expanded, this fourth edition includes over one hundred activities that complement a variety of themes that make learning interesting and challenging for young children. References for children?s books, music and multimedia, sample parent letters, and methods for constructing and evaluating creative, interactive bulletin boards are all included in this new edition. The text focuses on the growth of the whole child and includes theme goals, concepts, vocabulary words, finger plays, music, resources, and experiences in art, math, and cooking. This text is a must-have resource for anyone who works with young children.Preface. Introduction. Ants. Apples. Art. Birds. Blue. Breads. Brushes. Bubbles. Buildings. Camping. Cars, Trucks, and Buses. Cats. Christmas. Circus Clothing. Communication. Construction Tools. Containers. Creative Movement. Dairy Products. Dentist. Doctors and Nurses. Dogs. Easter. Eggs. Fall. Families. Farm Animals. Feelings. Feet. Firefighters. Fish. Flowers. Friends. Frogs. Fruits and Vegtables. Gardens. Halloween. Hanukkah (Chanukah). Hats. Health. Homes. Insects and Spiders. Mail Carrier. Mice. Music. Numbers. Nursery Rhymes. Occupations. Pets. Plants. Puppets. Purple. Rain. Red. Safety. Scissors. Shapes. Sports. Spring. Summer. Thanksgiving. Trees. Valentine?s Day. Water. Wheels. Winter. Worms. Yellow. Zoo Animals. Appendix A International Holidays. Appendix B Early Childhood Commercial Suppliers. Appendix C Rainy Day Activities.
The Princeton Review doesn’t try to teach you everything there is to know about math, English, or analytic thinking — only the techniques you’ll need to score higher on the GED.iThere’s a big difference./iInbCracking the GED,/bThe Princeton Review will teach you how to think like the test makers.brbrThis is accomplished by teaching you how to:brEliminate answer choices that look right but are planted to fool youbrWork backward from the answer choices to solve writing skills problemsbrCrack the social studies and science sections without memorizing hundreds of factsbrTackle the math sections by “backsolving” your way to the right answersbrbr*This book includes 2 full-length, simulated GED exams with questions that are just like the ones you’ll see on the actual GED.brbriContents include:/ibrbrbI Orientation/bbrGetting StartedbrTaking the GEDbrGuessing and POEbrCrazy GraphicsbrCrazy ReadingbrbII How to Crack the Writing Skills Multiple-Choice Test/bbrSentence StructurebrUsagebrMechanicsbrbIII How to Crack the Writing Skills Essay Test/bbrThe TemplatebrConstructing Your Own TemplatebrbIV How to Crack the Social Studies Test/bbrSocial Studies Part OnebrSocial Studies Part TwobrbV How to Crack the Science Test/bbrBiological SciencebrPhysical SciencebrbVI How to Crack the Literature and Arts Test/bbrFiction and DramabrNonfiction and PoetrybrbVII How to Crack the Math Test/bbrBasic ArithmeticbrApplied ArithmeticbrAlgebrabrGeometrybrbVIII Answer Key to Drills/bbrbIX Practice Tests/bAfter attending Dartmouth and columbia,bGeoff Martz/bjoined The Princeton Review in 1986. He led the team that designed The Princeton Review GMAT program, now taught in over 50 cities around the country. He is the author or coauthor ofbCracking the GMAT,/bbCracking the ACT,/bbPaying for College/bandbHow to Survive Without Your Pare@Â?(õà¾Ûâ¬
The rapid and accurate recall and application of math facts in an essential skill for all students, providing a basis for more complex math concepts. It also helps with test taking! In addition to developing speed, the reproducible pages of this book also stimulate generalization and application of the facts with time, money and measurement problems and more. Each sheet also includes a challenge for the early finishers. Teachers notes and an answer key are included. PAlso in this series is Math Speed Tests, Grades 3-6.