Mathematics for Elementary Teachers, Virginia State Guide Book: A Contemporary Approach

March 1, 2011 Posted by

This leading mathematics text for elementary and middle school educators helps you quickly develop a true understanding of mathematical concepts. It integrates rich problem-solving strategies with relevant topics and extensive opportunities for hands-on experience. By progressing from the concrete to the pictorial to the abstract, Musser captures the way math is generally taught in elementary schools. This title will give you all the essentials mathematics teachers need for teaching at the elementary and middle school levels: Highlights algebraic concepts throughout the text and includes additional supporting information. Provides enhanced coverage of order of operations, Z-scores, union of two events, Least Common Multiple, and Greatest Common Factor. Focuses on solid mathematical content in an accessible and appealing way. Offers the largest collection of problems (over 3,000!), worked examples, and problem-solving strategies in any text of its kind. Includes a comprehensive, five-chapter treatment of geometry based on the van Hiele model.


CliffsTestPrep CBEST

March 1, 2011 Posted by

The CliffsTestPrep series offers full-length practice exams that simulate the real tests; proven test-taking strategies to increase your chances at doing well; and thorough review exercises to help fill in any knowledge gaps. See PDF examplepiCliffsTestPrep CBEST, 6th Edition,/i can help you prepare for the California Basic Education Skills Test, a requirement for obtaining teaching credentials in California and Oregon. The test is based on the theory that teachers should be able to use the same skills taught to students — skills essential to students both in the classroom and outside school. Inside this test prep tool, you’ll findulliFull-length practice tests with answers and complete explanationsliAnalysis of all exam subject areasliAn assessment mini-test to gauge a candidate’s strengths and weaknesses with the various test sectionsliIntroduction to the format and scoring of the exam, overall strategies for answering multiple-choice questions, and questions commonly asked about CBESTliA list of last-minute test-taking tips./ulpThis book will help you understand the types of questions that will test your knowledge in three general subjects: reading, mathematics, and writing. You can get ready to show what you know in areas such asulliBasic math and algebra, including whole numbers, fractions, decimals, percents, and simple equationsliPractical applications of arithmetic operations, such as invoices, unit cost, and totals.liStandard units in the U.S. measurement systemliReading comprehension with emphasis on interpreting and analyzing passagesliEssay writing in a descriptive/narrative form that draws from personal experienceliOriginal writing in an analytical/expository essay that calls for explaining an issue, problem, or quotation and relating a well-supported personal opinion on the subject/ulpWith guidance from the CliffsTestPrep series, you’ll feel at home in any standardized-test environment!Preface.brbrStudy Gu@õÂ?(ö ¾Û€


High-Impact Teaching Strategies for the ‘XYZ’ Era of Education

March 1, 2011 Posted by

Dr. Rich Allen is a highly regarded educator and master trainer, with a Ph.D. in Educational Psychology. His cognitive learning theory research, which provided understanding on how the brain receives, processes, stores, and recalls information, forms the basis for his radical approach to teaching, presenting and facilitating.P style=MARGIN: 0pxIn 25 years of taking his ideas around the world, he has changed the lives of thousands of educators and executives, by giving them practical new presentation and teaching techniques that massively increase personal effectiveness./PP style=MARGIN: 0pxRich is a much sought after keynote speaker at international education conferences and leads workshops for school districts all over the world. He is a regular speaker at the Brain Expo, leads an annual course for student teachers in the UK and works with schools and school districts in the US, Canada, England, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, and Russia./PP style=MARGIN: 0pxA former high school math and drama teacher, Rich was a Director and Lead Facilitator for SuperCamp, a 10-day accelerated learning program for teens, before focusing on teaching brain-based learning strategies to adults. He is the author of a number of best-selling education books including: Impact Teaching and Green Light Classrooms./PP style=MARGIN: 0pxA whole new force of technology has entered education; PowerPoint, interactive white boards, MP3s, and the Internet bring stunning changes to all levels of learning in schools across the country. As teachers, the challenge is not the technology, but understanding how that technology has shaped and prepared this generation of students, the digital natives. Transforming your instruction into high impact teaching not only captivates and engages these new learners but improves academic results, classroom behavior, and student attitudes.BHigh-Impact Teaching Strategies for the ‘XYZ’ Era of Education/Bwill help you incorporate the@$”záG® ¾Û€


Electronics Mathematics (2nd Edition)

March 1, 2011 Posted by

Suitable as a two-semester stand-alone math text for electronics students at the Community College, Proprietary School or Vo-Tech Center. Course is most likely found in departments of electronics technology or electronics engineering technology. Written with the understanding that incoming students are often excited about beginning their study of electronics, but are not so enthused about math, this book provides an accessible, application-driven approach to algebra and trigonometry. In addition to a strong mathematical understanding, its many practical examples and exercises are designed to develop the solid work habits and thought processes that are essential for success in the workplace.


Math Games for Middle School

March 1, 2011 Posted by

From addition to subtraction to plane and space geometry, graphing, simultaneous linear equations, and probability, this book explains middle-school math with problems that children can understand and want to solve. 20 line drawings. 20 tables.


Games with Books: Twenty-eight of the Best Children’s Books and How to

March 1, 2011 Posted by

DIVEveryone knows how important it is to read with children. But how can you continue your child’s learning experience and enjoyment of a story once you close the book?brbrIn her engaging new book, Peggy Kaye shows parents and teachers how to play learning games based on classic children’s books.iGames with Books/ifeatures 14 picture books, fromiHarold and the Purple Crayon/itoiBluesberries for Sal/iand 14 chapter books, fromiWinnie the Pooh/itoiCharlotte’s Web/i. For each book, Kaye provides a summary and then offers three to four games that will keep kids entertained while they are practicing valuable reading, writing and math skills. The games require few materials and can easily be played both in home and at school. They cover a wide skill and age range. In addition to her creative and fun approach to learning, Kaye offers a wonderful bonus in her new book: a selective list of great children’s books that no reader — young or old — will want to extremely valuable resource for parents. — Betty Holmes, Director, United Federation of Teachers, Dial-a-TeacherbrbrKaye is a master at turning learning tasks into easy games. –iLibrary Journal/ibr/divDIVbPeggy Kaye/b, a tutor and eductional consultant, is the author ofiGames for Math/i,iGames for Writing/iand Giames for Learning/i. She has a master’s degree in early-childhood education from Columbia University’s Teachers College and has taught in both public and private elementary schools. She lives in New York


Mathematics, A Step-By-Step Approach Homework Booklet, Grade 7 (homewo

March 1, 2011 Posted by

html head /head body p With bMathematics: A Step-By-Step Approach, Grade 7 Homework Booklet/b students will love building their mathematics skills while completing the fun activities in this great book! Divided into three steps: basic math skills, decimals, and fractions and features fun activities that will keep students interested and motivated while learning at the same time. The activities become increasingly more challenging as the book progresses, ensuring that students are always being challenged. /p p /p p Features: /p p A pull-put answer key in the center of the book to make checking answers quick and easy. /p p This book is intended to be completed by the student with little or no help from a parent or teacher, which makes it a great resource for use at home or school. /p p /p p Our extremely popular bHomework Booklet series/b is a must have for any student! /p p /p p Great for reinforcing, reviewing, or teaching specific skills these booklets feature step-by-step practice drills with easy-to-understand directions and highlighted examples. With over 85 titles for children in preschool to high school and covering all key subjects including math, reading, social studies, grammar, foreign language, and more, students will find the extra practice they need to succeed in all subjects! /p p /p p Help your student today and collect all the titles in this amazing series! /p /body /htmlulliMade with the Best Quality Material with your child in mind.liTop Quality Children’s Item./ul


Will Shortz Presents Kenken by the Seaside

March 1, 2011 Posted by

KenKen can be described simply as sudoku with basic math (addition, subtraction and/or multiplication and division). It”s a fun, addictive, clever puzzle that”s winning fans the world over.Already more than one million KenKen books have been sold in Japan and is a huge hit in The Times of London. Now, America can catch KenKen fever!Volume 2 contains 100 easy multiplication and division KenKen puzzles with How to Solve instructions and an introduction by puzzlemaster Will Shortz.


Florida Real Estate

March 1, 2011 Posted by

Passing the Florida real estate exam is the ultimate goal, but first all pre-license real estate salespeople must understand Florida real estate practices and law. This groundbreaking new real estate text is designed to give students a solid understanding of current Florida real estate in a simple plain English approach. The non-technical content is reinforced by key terms, chapter summaries and extensive review questions along with Coaching Tips and Math Buster features that enable students to confidently and easily master the content.


The O’Reilly Factor

March 1, 2011 Posted by

bBill O’Reilly/ba two-time Emmy Award-winner for excellence in reporting, is a twenty-year veteran of the television industry. He served as a national correspondent for ABC News and as anchor of the nationally syndicated news magazine programiInside Edition/ibefore joining the Fox News Channel. He holds a master’s degree in public administration from Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government and a master’s degree in broadcast journalism from Boston University.IntroductionbrbrIf you know who I am, you know why I get letters like this one from a certain Linden S., who lives in Rochester, New York:brbrO’Reilly, dislike and contempt dominate your thoughts. So highly charged is your bias that it is a constant astonishment to realize that you are unaware of the effect of your own thinking. A thoughtful, deliberative person doesn’t stand a chance with you.brbrThat’s only one letter, selected at random. They come in bushels every day. Something about me and my nightly news analysis program, The O’Reilly Factor, drives some people up the wall.brbrBut, hey, I’m used to it. I didn’t even have to have the top-rated cable news program to get the same response from my first-grade teacher. I was controversial in the first grade, Linden! I come by it honestly!brbrIt took Sister Mary Claudia only to the second day of first grade at St. Brigid’s School in Westbury, New York, to get my number. When she ordered our class of sixty six-year-olds to open our Think and Do books, I slumped in my seat and let loose a deep sigh. See, I have always had a thing about lies, lying, and liars–and this book was pure propaganda. The illustrations of kids smiling while doing math problems was a major lie. I knew that at six years old.brbrBut Sister Mary Claudia didn’t care and leapt on me like a mongoose.brbr”William,” she shouted. “You are a bold, fresh piece of humanity! You will open your book and close your mouth. You are bold!”brbrThus w@3ýp£× ¾Û€