Improving Math Scores for At-Risk Students
EXAMBUSTERS STUDY CARDS ON CD-ROM presents over 2500 study cards which highlight the fundamentals of vocabulary and math–concepts you need to know to test well. Written by certified teachers. A fast, focused review for the ACT. Review study cards one by one and eliminate them from your stack once you’ve learned them. Take a sample quiz, mid-term, or final and keep track of test results as you progress. Learn subliminally with Screen Saver Mode. High frequency vocabulary list–over 1000 words. Simple definitions and pronunciation. Improve your reading comprehension, vocabulary, and conversation. Review essential math concepts. Includes sample problems, formulas, and definitions from algebra, geometry, and arithmetic. . . . A COURSE on a CD!
PThe authors are practicing educators in northeast Florida./PPBIMichele Keating/B/Iis a fifth grade teacher at R. B. Hunt Elementary School in St. Augustine, Florida. She has won numerous awards for teaching in math, science, and special education and serves as the technical specialist in her school. Michele is a member of the prestigious Florida League of Teachers./PPBIJon Wiles/B/Iis a professor of education at the University of North Florida in Jacksonville. The author of twelve major texts in the area of teaching and educational leadership, Jon is currently focused on Internet-assisted curriculum./PPBIMary Wood Piazza/B/Iis an English teacher at Palatka High School in Palatka, Florida and is the designer of the LearningWebs Internet site (a href=http://www.learnweb.orgB authors are co-directors of a nonprofit Florida corporation, LearningWebs, Inc., dedicated to assisting teachers entering the new technological age in schools./P This book was written to help instructors build classroom lessons with the use of the Internet. By following easy-to-understand steps, users will soon be on their way to developing their own curriculum journeys on the Internet. The book provides an introduction to computer use, explores Internet resources, and shows how these resources can be fit to the existing school curriculum. Written by teachers for teachers, users will appreciate the support and guidance evident in each chapter. For pre-service and practicing teachers, and other educators.HTMLH2Preface/H2PTechnology is rapidly changing our schools. New interactive learning technologies, particularly the Internet, are altering the 3500-year relationship between teachers and students. These technologies are providing teachers and students with vast and seemingly endless access to learning resources. At the same time, the technologies are a source of novel mediums ?Ð
Best gift ever!!! Magic of Engagement? Fun of Play? Spark of the Quest? Use Fingerplay (p.15) & you will hit at once. ___ Rotating game board (on back cover) is developed in a spirit of W.A.Mozart composition Canon Inversus ( Spiegelkanon)… It all begins from doing simple thing with a focus. Start with blank grid, which is your playground, sanctuary and challenger. ___ Playful Math is intended as a series of notebook type publications gradually introducing basic math concepts in a playful environment. Examples, grid space for self-discoveries, hands-on activity templates will provide you opportunity to drill the same technique with different numbers. Random numbers here are brought exactly for this specific purpose.___ On the way, your inner prodigy will be nurtured. 1+3+5=3*3: those numbers are not ordinary numbers. 5-year-old prodigy child discovered them. He had fun with numbers all his life and later was called Mozart of mathematics. You definitely want to follow the discovery.
This practical, organized, and easy-to-understand approach gives busy students the 15 basic steps they need to master the Math, English, Reading, and Science sections of the ACT. Includes one full-length practice test with complete answer explanations.
Delightful illustrations and short, simple exercises help young learners develop essential skills with confidence. Each standards-based activity focuses on a specific skill. Clear instructions and examples help children complete the lessons successfully. Since each page includes a suggestion for extending the learning and reinforcing the skill, the books are ideal for any setting151a whole classroom, small group tutoring, or at-home learning. 96pp
Most philosophers of mathematics treat it as isolated, timeless, ahistorical, inhuman. Reuben Hersh argues the contrary, that mathematics must be understood as a human activity, a social phenomenon, part of human culture, historically evolved, and intelligible only in a social context. Hersh pulls the screen back to reveal mathematics as seen by professionals, debunking many mathematical myths, and demonstrating how the humanist idea of the nature of mathematics more closely resembles how mathematicians actually work. At the heart of his book is a fascinating historical account of the mainstream of philosophy–ranging from Pythagoras, Descartes, and Spinoza, to Bertrand Russell, David Hilbert, and Rudolph Carnap–followed by the mavericks who saw mathematics as a human artifact, including Aristotle, Locke, Hume, Mill, and Lakatos.brWhat is Mathematics, Really? reflects an insider’s view of mathematical life, and will be hotly debated by anyone with an interest in mathematics or the philosophy of science.brHersh has a talent for exposition that makes me wish he had written most of the books on math Ive had to read…. His] fascinating…book should prove an enlightening and entertaining read for anyone who desires greater insight into the nature of the pursuit of fundamental knowledge.–Physics TodaybrbrReuben Hersh taught at several distinguished colleges and universities around the country. Now retired, he resides in Santa Fe, New
Brighter Child Colors & Shapes provides young children with a strong foundation of early learning skills essential for school success. Offering preschoolers 80 pages of full-color activities that teach them size, colors, numbers, and shapes. Featuring easy-to-follow directions and complete answer key children will have fun learning colors and shapes! The popular Brighter Child Workbook series offers a full complement of instruction, activities, and information in 51 subject-specific workbooks. Encompassing preschool to grade 6, this series covers key subjects including basic skills, English & grammar, math, phonics, reading, science, and Spanish. This series is helping prepare children by giving them a solid foundation in key skills necessary for success in the classroom!
bA sweeping yet uniquely accessible introduction to a variety of central geometrical topics/bpStudents and teachers will benefit from a uniquely unified treatment of such topics as:ulliHomeomorphismliGraph theoryliSurface topologyliKnot theoryliDifferential geometryliRiemannian geometryliHyperbolic geometryliAlgebraic topologyliGeneral topology/ulpA logical yet flexible organization makes the text useful for courses in basic geometry as well as those with a more topological focus, while exercises ranging from the routine to the challenging make the material accessible at varying levels of study.Preface.pAcknowledgment.p1. Informal Topology.p2. Graphs.p3. Surfaces.p4. Graphs and Surfaces.p5. Knots and Links.p6. The Differential Geometry of Surfaces.p7. Riemann Geometries.p8. Hyperbolic Geometry.p9. The Fundamental.p10. General Topology.pAppendix A: Curves.pAppendix B: A Brief Survey of Groups.pAppendix C: Permutations.pAppendix D: Modular Arithmetic.pAppendix E: Solutions and Hints to Selected Exercises.pReferences and Resources.pIndex.This is a nice collection of topics that are not usually present in a single text…I am glad that the book is on my bookshelf. (iMAA Reviews/i, January 1, 2006)p…a very useful textbook…stimulating and never boring to read, illustrating once more the richness and beauty of the field. (iZentralbaltt MATH/i, July 2005)pStahl…proves a welcome alternative to compartmentalized treatments bound to the old thinking. This clearly written, well-illustrated book supplies sufficient background to be self-contained. (iCHOICE/i, June 2005)SAUL STAHL, PhD, is a Professor in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Kansas. In addition to being the author of five previous texts and more than thirty papers in the field of geometry, he is also a winner of the Carl B. Allendoerfer Award from the Mathematical Association of Amer@OÃ×=p¤ ¾Ûâ¬
pbIntroducing the extra help students need for this year’s brand-new version of the SAT I/b/p pMore than 1.4 million high school students will be taking this year’s brand-new version of the SAT I, and all of them will be looking for something that will give them the edge they need to ace the test. Written by distinguished experts in their fields, these books in the McGraw-Hill SAT I Workbook series are exactly what test takers will be looking for. Ideal for those who feel they need extra help preparing for the test, and also for those who are just looking to practice and further hone their skills, these workbooks provide all the expert test-taking guidance students expect from McGraw-Hill, including:/p ul liCoverage of all the latest changes to the SAT I liSurefire strategies for successfully answering every type of question liHundreds of sample questions just like those on the actual test liDozens of skill-building drills and exercises liFive complete tests with thorough explanations of all questions and answers /ul