Fifth Grade Math Review

March 7, 2011 Posted by

High-interest activities use appealing art to encourage students to have fun while learning. Reproducible activities include ratio, proportion, and percent; time, money, and measurement, and a whole lot more. Well-paced activities gradually become more difficult as students progress. Includes over 100 reproducible pages, as well as answer pages where needed.



March 7, 2011 Posted by

PopCo tells the story of Alice Butler–a subversively smart girl in the commercial-soaked world who grows from recluse orphan to burgeoning vigilante, buttressed by mystery, codes, math, and the sense her grandparents gave her that she could change the world.


Math Hooks 1, Grades K-2: More Than 50 Games an Dactivities to Hook Kids on Math

March 7, 2011 Posted by

Math Hooks 1, Grades K-2: More Than 50 Games an Dactivities to Hook Kids on Math


Gotta Love High School

March 6, 2011 Posted by

All they need is… Brooke Dawson: The courage to try out for the cheerleading squad.which is the closest to gymnastics I can get. Plus a new best friend who’s actually a girl, no offense to Trevor. And more time near Brett – even if that means hanging out in math class. Trevor Stevenson: The opportunity to be the second star of the basketball team, which I’d take instantly. A chance with Sophia. And making friends basketball star Brett wouldn’t hurt either. Sophia Garrison: A new cheerleader – as squad captain, it’s my responsibility to find one. A real best friend who isn’t shallow. And maybe Trevor to protect me from that wannabe Daphne. Brett Evans: A replacement for the basketball team. A new star – after me, obviously. More attention from Brooke – the perfect someone to distract me from ex-second-star Jackson. But what is it that these Saffrondale High juniors really need to survive the jealousy, the hatred, and all the drama? To meet one another.


The Best Test Preparation for the Massachusetts MCAS -8th Grade Mathematics

March 6, 2011 Posted by

Master the MCAS and go on to high school! REA is here to help you get there. REA’s new regional 8th grade math test prep has everything students need to pass this all important Massachusetts state proficiency assessment test. This MCAS study guide comes complete with a comprehensive math review of all 8th grade math topics to appear on the test. The study guide also features a full-length practice MCAS exam to prepare you for the actual test. Follow up your study with REA’s test-taking strategies and powerhouse drills that get you ready for test day.


Cracking the ACT, 2001 Edition

March 6, 2011 Posted by

bGeoff Martz/battended Dartmouth College and Columbia University, joining The Princeton Review in 1985 as a teacher and writer. His first book for The Princeton Review wasbCracking the GMAT/b, published in 1989.brbrbTed Silver/bis a graduate of Yale University, the Yale School of Medicine, and the law school at the University of Connecticut. He became affiliated with The Princeton Review in 1988 as the chief architect of The Princeton Review’s MCAT course. Dr. Silver’s full-time profession is as Associate Professor of Law at Touro College Jacob D. Fuchsberg Law Center.brbrbKim Magloire/bis a graduate of Princeton University. She joined The Princeton Review in 1984 as an SAT teacher, and has since taught The Princeton Review’s SAT II. LSAT. GMAT, GRE, and MCAT programs. Magloire is currently attending graduate school at Columbia University. Princeton Review realizes that acing the ACT is very different from getting straight As in school. They don’t try to teach students everything there is to know about math, reading, and English–only the techniques they’ll need to score higher on the ACT.iThere’s a big difference/i. InbCracking the ACT/b, TPR will teach test takers how to think like the test makers and:brbr*Use process of elimination to eliminate answer choices that look right but are planted to fool test takersbr*Ace the English test by learning how to spot sentence structure, grammar, and punctuation errors quicklybr*Crack algebra problems by Plugging In numbers in place of lettersbr*Score higher on reading comprehension by learning to zero in on main ideas, topic sentences, and key wordsbr*Solve science reasoning problems by scanning the passage for critical wordsbrbrThis book includes The Princeton Review Assessment, a full-length diagnostic exam that will predict test takers approximate scores on both the ACT and the SAT. The questions on this test are just like the ones test takers will find on the real ACT?Ð


Reading & Math Jumbo Workbook: Grade K

March 6, 2011 Posted by

300 skill-building pages that give young learners practice with the alphabet, sight words, handwriting, phonics, numbers, shapes and everything they’ll need to succeed as students. For use with Grade K.


How to Prepare for the Last/Ats-W/Nystce

March 5, 2011 Posted by

This revised and updated manual prepares education students for a major part of the PRAXIS complex of teacher qualification tests. The test’s title is an acronym for Liberal Arts and Science Test/Assessment of Teacher Skills-Written, New York State Teacher Certification Examinations. This manual presents an overview of the test and follows up with separate chapters on Reading, Writing, Math, History and Social Sciences, Science, Visual and Performing Arts, and Teaching Skills. Practice tests with explained answers are also presented. They include model tests for LAST I, ATS-WI, LAST II, and ATS-WII.


Squaring the Circle

March 5, 2011 Posted by

This truly unique new title should appeal to both mathematicians and mathematics educators. It should also find a small market among professional and reference book buyers: mathematical professionals with interest in travel, art, architecture. The title is intended for math students who are interested in art, or art students with an interest (or requirement) in mathematics, or professionals with interest in mathematics and art. Geometry concepts are introduced by analyzing well known buildings and works of art. The book is packaged with an access code which allows the reader into a protected site, which will contain most of the fine art from the book in full color as well as teaching resources. The text appeals both to mathematicians and to artists and will generally be used in courses that bridge the two subjects.


A Basic Introduction to Pollutant Fate and Transport: An Integrated Ap

March 5, 2011 Posted by

A uniquely accessible text on environmental modeling designed for both students and industry personnelbrbrPollutant fate and modeling are becoming increasingly important in both regulatory and scientific areas. However,the complexity of the software and models often act as an inhibitor to the advancement of water quality science.brbrA Basic Introduction to Pollutant Fate and Transport fills the need for a basic instructional tool for students and environmental professionals who lack the rigorous mathematical background necessary to derive the governing fate and transport equations. Taking a refreshingly simple approach to the subject that requires only a basic knowledge of algebra and first-year college chemistry, the book presents and integrates all of the aspects of fate and transport, including chemistry, modeling, risk assessment, and relevant environmental legislation; approaching each topic first conceptually before introducing the math necessary to model it.brbrThe first half of the book is dedicated to the chemistry and physics behind the fate and transport models, while the second half teaches and reinforces the logical concepts underlying fate and transport modeling. This better prepares students for support jobs in the environmental arena surrounding chemical industry and Superfund sites.brbrContributing to the book’s ease of use are:br* An extremely user-friendly software program, Fate(r), which uses basic models to predict the fate and transport of pollutants in lakes, rivers, groundwater, and atmospheric systemsbr* The use of canned models to evaluate the importance of model parameters and sensitivity analysisbr* A wealth of easy-to-understand examples and problemsbr* A chapter on environmental legislation in the United States and Europebr* A set of lab exercises, as well as a downloadable set of teaching aidsbrbrA much-needed basic text for contemporary hydrology or environmental chemistry courses and support courses fo@RMp£× ¾Û€