Select topics according to your mathematical ability and chosen health care profession. Begin with a basic math review or move right to deeper concepts, including algebra and geometry, linear equations and graphing, dilutions, solutions, and concentrations, dosage calculations and more! Learn at your own pace with this easy to use math text specifically for the health sciences.
A series of 9 books based on U.S. Government teaching materials. They make math interesting and fun. The series of books begins with basic arithmetic and extends through pre-algebra, algebra, and calculus. Numerous exercises and solved problems are included. The 9 books deal with the topics listed below.- Trim Size: 5 1/2 x 8 1/4 (14 cm x 21 cm).- A variety of free display racks is available.
This delightful early learning book is the perfect way to introduce young children to basic concepts of shape, size, and appearance. The colorful images, clear captions, and probing questions will encourage children to develop early learning skills. Packed with fun and colorful games and puzzles, the First Shape Book is guaranteed to become a firm favorite on every bookshelf, encouraging children to take an active interest in their surroundings. By becoming familiar with circles, triangles, squares, and rectangles, a child will develop the skills used in writing and early math. By finding these shapes in different contexts, a child will develop the skills used in reading and writing. By identifying differences in size and between two-dimensional and three-dimensional objects, a child will develop further skills used in math. Includes introductory tips for parents and a colorful, pull-out first shapes poster. The perfect companion to the First Word Book and First Number Book.
John Mighton brings his successful program for learning math to the home school with workbooks in the innovative series for parents and caregivers. JUMP’s tutors teach from customized manuals carefully developed to ensure that steps to every explanation are as simple and mechanical as possible. The key to the program’s success is this step-by-step teaching method that isolates and describes math concepts so clearly that anyone can understand them. Containing useful introductions, answer keys, glossaries, and worksheets, these books are composed of grade-specific material in individual sections that make the learning process fun. The subjects in JUMP at Home Grade 4 include Hundreds Charts, How to Learn Your Times Tables in 5 Days, Pattern Blocks, Number Sense I and II, and Probability and Data Management I and II.
bIts her funniest adventure yet! A few sessions with a collegeage math tutor turn Judy into a jargon-spouting polygon princess. Crucial!/bbrbrJudy Moody is in a mood. Not a good mood. And defi nitely NOTa math mood. Class 3Ts substitute teacher thinks Judys math skills need improving. So Judy has to start meeting with a math tutor. Does this mean flash cards? Does this mean baby games? Does this mean school on weekends? But when Judy meets her tutora sick-awesome college student with an uber-funky sense of style and gets a glimpse of college life, Judys bad math-i-tude turns into a radical glad-i-tude. Pretty soon, Judys not only acing her math class; shes owning it. Say good-bye to Judy Moody, old skool third-grader, and say hello to Miss College! Small-tall upside-down backward non-fat capp with extra whip, anyone?Megan McDonald is the author of the award-winning Judy Moody series as well as a companion series starring Judy’s brother, Stink. She is also the author of the novel THE SISTERS CLUB, as well as ANT AND HONEY BEE, illustrated by Brian Karas. She lives in Sebastopol, California.brbrPeter H. Reynolds is the illustrator of all the Judy Moody and Stink books. He is also the author-illustrator of the picture books THE DOT, ISH, and SO FEW OF ME. He lives in Dedham, Massachusetts.Math-i-tudebrbrWhen Judy Moody got to school on Monday, she had a new teacher. Her new teacher was called a sub (not the sandwich). Her new teacher was called Mrs. Grossman. Exactly three things were wrong with that. (1) Mrs. Grossman was NOT gross. (2) Mrs. Grossman was NOT a man. (3) Mrs. Grossman was NOT Mr. Todd.brbrJudy was the first to raise her hand. “Wheres Mr. Todd?”brbr”I’m sure Mr. Todd told everyone on Friday that he was going to a special teacher conference.”brbr”I wasn’t here Friday,” said Judy.brbr”He’s going to learn to be a better teacher@ ×=p£× ¾Ûâ¬
Get the first book to pull the vast literature on the Weibull into a proper perspective under one cover. iWeibull Models/ipulliCovers model analysis, parameter estimation, model validation, and applicationliClassifies the different models and their propertiesliIntertwines theory and applicationliFocuses on model identification prior to model parameter estimation/ulPreface.pPART A: OVERVIEW.pAn Overview.pTaxonomy for Weibull Models.pPART B: BASIC WEIBULL MODEL.pModel Analysis.pParameter Estimation.pModel Selection and Validation.pPART C: I AND II MODELS.pType – I Models.pType II Weibull Models.pType III (a) Weibull Models.pType III (b) Weibull Models.pType III (c) Weibull Models.pType III (d) Weibull Models.pPART – E: TYPES IV – VII MODELS.pType IV Weibull Models.pType V Weibull Models.pType VI Weibull Models Multivariate Models].pType VII Weibull Models.pPART – F: WEIBULL MODELLING OF DATA.pWeibull Modelling of Data.pPART – G: APPLICATIONS IN RELIABILITY.pModelling Product Failures.pProduct Reliability and Weibull Models.pReferences….valuable to readers seeking an overview of Weibull models and…a valuable contribution to libraries… (iJournal of the American Statistical Association/i, September 2005)p…may serve as a handbook in research and teaching… (iZentralblatt Math/i, Vol.1047, No.22, 2004)pThe book is generally well written and easy to read. It could serve as a useful reference to practitioners…and researchers. (iTechnometrics/i, November 2004)pThe literature of Weibull models is vast, disjointed, and scattered across many different journals. There are a couple of books devoted solely to the Weibull distribution, but these are oriented toward training and/or consulting purposes. There is no book that deals with the different Weibull models in an integrated manner. This book fills that gap. (iMathematical Reviews/@Z?ë…¸R ¾Ûâ¬
-Ideal for ages 4 and up. -Designed to teach spelling, math and telling time in a fun and absorbing style. -Wipe clean pages and nontoxic pen – wipe away with a cloth and start over. -Great for preparing kids for school. Warning: Choking Hazard – Small parts. Not intended for children under 3 yrs.
Covers percentages, probability, proportions, and more Get a grip on all types of word problems by applying them to real life Are you mystified by math word problems? This easy-to-understand guide shows you how to conquer these tricky questions with a step-by-step plan for finding the right solution each and every time, no matter the kind or level of problem. From learning math lingo and performing operations to calculating formulas and writing equations, you”ll get all the skills you need to succeed! Discover how to: * Translate word problems into plain English * Brush up on basic math skills * Plug in the right operation or formula * Tackle algebraic and geometric problems * Check your answers to see if they work
Nine survey articles in this volume extend concepts from classical probability and stochastic processes to a number of areas of mathematical physics. Key topics covered: nonlinear stochastic wave equations, completely positive maps, Mehler-type semigroups on Hilbert spaces, entropic projections, martingale problem and Markov uniqueness of infinite- dimensional Nelson diffusions, analysis in geometric probability theory, measure-preserving shifts on the Wiener space, cohomology on loop spaces, and stochastic Volterra equations Contributors: H. Airault * L. Coutin * L. Decreusefond * C. Leonard * R. Leandre * P. Lescot * P. Malliavin * M. Oberguggenberger * R. Rebolledo * F. Russo * A.S. Ustunel * L. Wu The work, an outgrowth of a workshop on stochastic analysis held in Lisbon, serves as a good reference text for researchers and advanced students in the fields of probability, stochastic processes, analysis, geometry, math physics, and physics.