2.0 made easy… incredibly easy! Tired of Microsoft Office hassles, upgrades, and cost? Try 2.0! 2.0 is all the office productivity software you’ ll ever need: word processing, spreadsheets, presentations, drawing, even databases… and it’ s free! Not sure it’ s up to the job? It is. Not sure you can switch from Microsoft Office? You can. expert and Open Source Technology Group (OSTG) editor-in-chief Robin ‘ Roblimo’ Miller will teach you the easy way: using the skills you already have!Roblimo will get you productive in minutes–and you don’ t need to be a computer expert! Roblimo’ s easy, visual instructions walk you through every step of every task you need to know… plus, you’ ll find dozens of how-to videos on CD! You’ ll master everything from formatting documents to creating presentation slide shows, building what-if projections to designing flowcharts. There’ s even bonus coverage of Mozilla and Thunderbird, the fast, safe, free software for Web browsing and e-mail!Master every 2.0 module: Writer, Calc, Impress, Draw, Base, and Math!Create Microsoft Office-compatible documents anyone can read and useWrite professional-quality documents faster with styles, templates, and AutoCorrectAnalyze, manage, and manipulate business information with Calc Design attractive organization charts and other visualsUse mail merge to create great form letters or e-mailsCreate sophisticated database queries–even if you know nothing about databasesPrepare elegant printed reportsStart using Mozilla–the Webbrowser that’ s safe, secure, private, and fast!Filter out junk mail with ThunderbirdDo things you can’ t do with Microsoft Office–like creating Flash slide shows for the Web! TWO CD-ROMS INCLUDEDThe first CD-ROM features OpenOffice 2.0 for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux, plus the latest Mozilla Web browser and Thunderbird email software… just install and run! The second CD-ROM features Roblimo showing you how to perform more than twenty essential tasks, in easy, bite-sized video tutorials… just watch, and do!(c) Copyright Pearson Education. All rights reserved.
P style=MARGIN: 0in 0in 0ptB/BWith the composition of today’s classroom in mind, this book approaches teaching and planning elementary mathematics by using methods that accommodate the diverse learning needs of any student having difficulties with basic math concepts.B/BThe authors use personal experience and research that supports a complete set of developmental concepts and skills to outline the effective development of mathematical concepts and skills. It stresses lesson planning that will result in learning, understanding, and retaining important concepts and skills. B/BK-12 Special Education and General Education Teachers./PP style=MARGIN-LEFT: 3ptB1. Instructional Activities: The Building Blocks for Effective Instruction./BBRBRBRB 2. Diversity in the Classroom: Variations of Individual Needs./BBRBRBRB 3. Lesson Design: Creating Lessons That Meet the Needs of a Diverse Classroom./BBRBRBRB 4. Beginnings: Mathematics Learning in Early Childhood./BBRBRBRB 5. Whole Numbers and Numeration: Naming and Writing Quantity./BBRBRBRB 6. Adding and Subtracting Whole Numbers: Combining and Separating Quantities./BBRBRBRB 7. Multiplying and Dividing Whole Numbers: Combining Equal-Sized Groups and Separating Quantities into Equal-Sized Groups./BBRBRBRB 8. Fractions: Working with Units Smaller Than One./BBRBRBRB 9. Decimals and Percents: Working with Base-Ten Units Smaller Than One and Using Hundredths as a Common Denominator./BBRBRBRB10. Measurement: Assigning a Number to a Quantity./BBRBRBRB11. Geometry: Learning the Names and Characteristics of Shapes./B/PPB 12. Data Analysis and Probability: Getting Information from Data and Measuring Likelihood./BBRBRBR B13. Effective Practice: Games and Activities for Practice and Fun./BBRBRBR BIndex./B/P
– Interactive tutorials are presented in a real-life context and break down mathematics into easy-to-understand components.- Mastery-style learning with extensive practice builds students’ confidence and success–the program is proven effective in raising test scores!- Multiple methods of instruction address a variety of learning styles and special populations including ELL and special education.- Diagnostic, formative, and summative assessments check student progress at every level.- Classroom Management System automatically tracks and reports student progress and performance.- Customizable curriculum with differentiated instruction can be tailored to meet state standards, school or district goals, or students’ needs.- This flexible program can be used as a supplement to core programs or in enrichment, intervention, after school, or summer school settings.
Contemporary’s the Ged Math Problem Solver
Part of the new Knowledge Essentials series, Third Grade Success shows you how to enrich your child’s classroom learning and take an active role in your third grader’s education by exploring: What your third grader is learning at school and the educational standards to expect in math, language arts, science, and social studies Your child’s learning style–visual, auditory, or kinesthetic–and how it affects the way your child learns and processes information Hundreds of easy-to-do activities designed to help your child meet specific learning requirements Environmental learning sections that identify learning opportunities in the everyday world Methods and checklists to assess your child’s academic progress Information on how teachers evaluate performance–portfolios, rubrics, test scores, and other tools of the trade Recommendations of age-appropriate books and software that will enhance learning
The Complete Book series provides young learners an exciting and dynamic way to learn the basic skills essential to learning success. This vivid workbook will guide your student step-by-step through a variety of engaging and developmentally appropriate activities in phonics, reading comprehension, math, problem solving, and writing. Each title includes a complete answer key, poster, and two sticker sheets. The Complete Book of Grade 2 is designed for learning reinforcement and can be used as a tool for independent study. The Complete Book of Grade 2 features: – Suffixes and Prefixes – Synonyms, Antonyms, and Homophones – Short and Long Vowel Recognition – Multiplication
BBob Blitzer/Bis a native of Manhattan and received a Bachelor of Arts degree with dual majors in mathematics and psychology (minor: English literature) from the City College of New York. His unusual combination of academic interests led him toward a Master of Arts in mathematics from the University of Miami and a doctorate in behavioral sciences fro Nova University. Bob is most energized by teaching mathematics and has taught a variety of mathematics courses at Miami-Dade College for nearly 30 years. He has received numerous teaching awards, including Innovator of the Year from the League for Innovations in the Community College, and was among the first group of recipients at Miami-Dade College for an endowed chair based on excellence in the classroom. Bob has writtenIIntermediate Algebra for College Students, Introductory Algebra for College Students, Essentials of Intermediate Algebra for College Students, Introductory and Intermediate Algebra for College Students, Essentials of Introductory and Intermediate Algebra for College Students, Algebra for College Students, Thinking Mathematically, College Algebra, Algebra and Trigonometry/I, andIPrecalculus/I, all published by Prentice Hall.This text takes the same approach as the regular Blitzer Precalculus version by deleting chapters. The text explores math the way it evolved: by describing real problems and how math explains them. It is interesting, lively (with applications you won’t see in any other math book), and exceedingly clear. Blitzer’s philosophy: present the full scope of mathematics, while always (1) engaging the student by opening their minds to learning (2) keeping the student engaged on every page (3) explaining ideas directly, simply, and clearly. Students are strongly supported by a consistent pedagogical framework. A See it, Hear it, Try it? format consistently walks students through each and every example in just the same way that an instructor would t@¸Që…¸ ¾Ûâ¬
Record numbers of teens are applying to selective universities and the competition to gain entrance to college is tougher than ever before. The Ultimate Guide to Summer Opportunities for Teens: 200 Programs That Prepare You for College Success helps teenagers find the most exciting and fulfilling summer programs across the United States. College-planning expert Sandra L. Berger provides students and parents with advice on using summer opportunities to help gain entrance into selective universities, and guidance on researching, choosing, applying for, and making the most out of summer programs. Students will be able to peruse the directory of 200 of the best summer opportunities in the areas of academic enrichment, fine arts, internships and paid positions, leadership and service, math and science, computer science and technology, and study abroad or international travel, to find the program that fits them best.
Most students taking this course do so to fulfill a requirement, but the true benefit of the course is learning how to use and understand mathematics in daily life. This quantitative reasoning text is written expressly for those students, providing them with the mathematical reasoning and quantitative literacy skills they’ll need to make good decisions throughout their lives. Common-sense applications of mathematics engage students while underscoring the practical, essential uses of math.