Why Math? : 0387944273

March 14, 2011 Posted by

In a concrete and relevant way, using extensive motivation from everyday problems, Why Math? shows what one can do with elementary mathematics and how to do it.Why Math? is designed for a general education mathematics course. It helps develop the basic mathematical literacy now generally demanded of liberal arts students. Requiring only a little background knowledge of algebra and geometry – no more than the minimum entrance requirements at most colleges – the book emphasizes quantitative reasoning and critical thinking for real life problems.brIn a concrete and relevant way, using extensive motivation from everyday problems, Why Math? shows what one can do with elementary mathematics and how to do it.


Ratios and Percents

March 13, 2011 Posted by

Math can be hard, but weve got a great solution! This clear and concise book covers so many basic topics on ratios and percents, including equivalent ratios, proportions, scale drawings, rates, and percent change. Learn to find sales tax, sale prices, interest, and tips. Whether you are learning this information for the first timeon your own or with a tutoror you would like to review your math skills, this book is a perfect choice. And dont forget to download the FREE WORKSHEETS for even more practice!


Cracking the Texas End-of-Course Algebra I

March 13, 2011 Posted by

bJohn Haumann/bhas taught Principles of Technology and Developmental Mathematics at St. Phillip’s College in San Antonio as an adjunct faculty member since 1991. He holds a Master of Science degree in Operations Management from the University of Arkansas and a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Kansas. As a Navy veteran, he has multiple years experience with underwater acoustics and oceanography, meteorology, and electronic countermeasures, as well as training trans-oceanic navigators to always find their way home.The Princeton Review realizes that acing the Algebra I exam is very different from getting straight As in school. TPR doesn’t try to teach students everything there is to know about algebra — only what they’ll need to know to score higher on this exam.iThere’s a big difference/i. InbCracking the Texas EOC: Algebra I/b, TPR will teach test takers how to think like the test makers.brbrThis will be accomplished by teaching students how to:brEliminate answer choices using Process of Elimination and other techniquesbrEarn more points by Plugging In numbers on algebra problemsbrUse Backsolving to solve problems when they are unsure of the answerbrTest their knowledge with review questions for each algebra concept coveredbrMaster the math they need to know to score higher: algebraic expressions and equations, inequalities, graphing, and morebrPerfect their skills with practice questions for all material testedbrbr*This book includes 2 full-length simulated exams. All of TPR’s sample test questions are just like the ones test takers will see on the actual EOC Algebra I exam, and every solution is fully explained.brbriContents Include:/ibrbrbPart I: Introduction/bbrAbout the Texas EOC and TAAS ExamsbrStructure and StrategiesbrbPart II: Subject Review/bbrThe Basics of Math and AlgebrabrSimplifying Algebraic ExpressionsbrSolving Algebraic Eq?รจ


Prealgebra (With Review Cards and Printed Access Card)

March 13, 2011 Posted by

Created through a student-tested, faculty-approved review process with over 120 students and faculty, PREALG is an engaging and accessible solution to accommodate the diverse lifestyles of today”s learners. This paperback text offers a full suite of learning aids, including end-of-chapter review cards, downloadable flashcards and practice problems, online video tutorials, solutions to exercises and practice quizzes aimed at supplementing learning outside of the classroom. PREALG presents concepts in a visual and approachable way, ideal for combating the math anxiety often found in Developmental Math students. Also available is Cengage Learning”s Enhanced WebAssignA(R)aa complete online homework management system for students and professors.


Handwriting Traditional Manuscript Homework Booklet (homework Booklets

March 13, 2011 Posted by

html head /head body p Practice makes perfect penmanship! bHandwriting Traditional Manuscript Homework Booklet/b teaches traditional manuscript handwriting through a variety of fun activities. Students will trace, copy, scramble, and compose their way to perfect penmanship. /p p /p p Features: /p p A pull-put answer key in the center of the book to make checking answers quick and easy. /p p This book is intended to be completed by the student with little or no help from a parent or teacher, which makes it a great resource for use at home or school. /p p /p p Our extremely popular bHomework Booklet series/b is a must have for any student! /p p /p p Great for reinforcing, reviewing, or teaching specific skills these booklets feature step-by-step practice drills with easy-to-understand directions and highlighted examples. With over 85 titles for children in preschool to high school and covering all key subjects including math, reading, social studies, grammar, foreign language, and more, students will find the extra practice they need to succeed in all subjects! /p p /p p Help your student today and collect all the titles in this amazing series! /p /body /htmlulliMade with the Best Quality Material with your child in mind.liTop Quality Children’s Item./ul


Math: An Integrated Approach Homework Booklet, Grade 3 (homework Bookl

March 13, 2011 Posted by

html head /head body p bMath, An Integrated Approach, Grade 3 Homework Booklet /bhelps students enjoy mastering math skills as they work through the pages in this fun and engaging book. This grade 3 book includes a review of addition and subtraction, ordering whole numbers and place value, fractions and decimals, geometry, multiplication and division, and graphing. /p p /p p Features: /p p A pull-put answer key in the center of the book to make checking answers quick and easy. /p p This book is intended to be completed by the student with little or no help from a parent or teacher, which makes it a great resource for use at home or school. /p p /p p Our extremely popular bHomework Booklet series/b is a must have for any student! /p p /p p Great for reinforcing, reviewing, or teaching specific skills these booklets feature step-by-step practice drills with easy-to-understand directions and highlighted examples. With over 85 titles for children in preschool to high school and covering all key subjects including math, reading, social studies, grammar, foreign language, and more, students will find the extra practice they need to succeed in all subjects! /p p /p p Help your student today and collect all the titles in this amazing series! /p /body /htmlulliMade with the Best Quality Material with your child in mind.liTop Quality Children’s Item./ul


Notebook Math Fact Book

March 13, 2011 Posted by

Now students will have all the help they require right at their fingertips. Updated with more essential information, each comprehensive guide offers subject-specific text that is easy to read and easy to use. The three-hole-punched format allows the guides to be inserted into notebooks for quick and convenient reference.


Math Skillbuilders 2: With Stickers

March 13, 2011 Posted by

Math Skillbuilders 2: With Stickers


A Fair Bear Share

March 13, 2011 Posted by

Blue Ribbon Blueberry Pie is the best–but do the bear cubs have enough ingredients to bake one? Regrouping their berries, nuts, and seeds by tens and ones reveals the answer in this enjoyable book. Full color.Everyday activities such as sharing a meal, sorting socks and getting ready for school can be part of learning math. In the MathStart Series, everyday life is the basis for each entertaining story. Simple math concepts are embedded in each story so that young children can intuitively understand them. Adults can use the creative suggestions for activities in the back of each book to extend learning opportunities with children.pDevelopmentally appropriate and correlated to school grade levels and the curriculum standards of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, MathStart can give children a head start!


Advanced Engineering Mathematics

March 12, 2011 Posted by

This market leading text is known for its comprehensive coverage, careful and correct mathematics, outstanding exercises and self contained subject matter parts for maximum flexibility. Thoroughly updated and streamlined to reflect new developments in the field, the ninth edition of this bestselling text features modern engineering applications and the uses of technology. Kreyszig introduces engineers and computer scientists to advanced math topics as they relate to practical problems. The material is arranged into seven independent parts: ODE; Linear Algebra, Vector Calculus; Fourier Analysis and Partial Differential Equations; Complex Analysis; Numerical methods; Optimization, graphs; and Probability and Statistics.