The Keep It Simple (KISS) philosophy is the primary focus of this book. It is written in very simple language with minimal math, as a compilation of helpful EMI troubleshooting hints. Its light-hearted tone is at odds with the extreme seriousness of most engineering reference works that become boring after a few pages. This text tells engineers what to do and how to do it. Only a basic knowledge of math, electronics, and a basic understanding of EMI/EMC are necessary to understand the concepts and circuits described.pOnce EMC troubleshooting is demystified, readers learn there are quick and simple techniques to solve complicated problems a key aspect of this book. Simple and inexpensive methods to resolve EMI issues are discussed to help generate unique ideas and methods for developing additional diagnostic tools and measurement procedures. An appendix on how to build probes is included. It can be a fun activity, even humorous at times with bizarre techniques (i.e., the sticky finger probe).1. Introduction.p2. Electric, Magnetic, and Static Fields.p3. Instrumentation.p4. Test Facilities.p5. Probes, Antennas, and Support Equipment.p6. Conducted Testing.p7. Radiated Testing.p8. General Approaches Troubleshooting.p9. On-Site Troubleshooting Techniques.pAppendix A: Building Probes.pAppendix B: Test Procedures.pGlossary.pBibliography.pIndex.pAbout the Authors….a very comprehensive book that should stand the test of time…I recommend book to design and test engineers…as it is likely to be referred to again and again. ( authors have developed a logical approach to understanding testing for EMC. (iIEEE EMC Society Newsletter/i, Summer 2006)bMARK I. MONTROSE/b is an expert in the fields of regulatory compliance, electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) and product safety. He has performed extensive research in the areas of EMC theory and signal integrity, and has written numerous papers on the subject@NõÂ?(ö ¾Ûâ¬
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Here is an extremely portable reference that offers all you need to know to design buildings that work successfully.pSmall enough to slip into a pocket, this volume’s 512 pages are packed with:br* 420 architectural engineering design scenariosbr* 1300 algebraic formulasbr* 125 ink drawings and graphsbr* 130 tables and schedulesbr* a pint-sized Bible that enables you to make those spur-of-the-moment decisions in the office, on the site, with a client, or with a contractor that so often divide those who truly know what they are doing from those who think they know.pWhether your architectural concerns are STRUCTURAL, CLIMATE CONTROL, PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL, ILLUMINATION, ACOUSTICS, or GENERAL DESIGN, this distillation of many larger volumes of architectural engineering science will lay the foundation for the design of any building–from shed to skyscraper anywhere in the world–that will satisfy designer and client alike. The book is a beautiful, entertaining, enjoyable, and practical reference.* Provides instant access to more than 1100 architectural equationsbr* No math menus and shortcuts allow any building element to be sized quickly and accurately
Saxon Math 2 an Incremental Development Home Study
Stuart J. Murphy travels all over the UnitedStates talking to thousands of kids. And you”ll never believe what they talk about: MATH! Stuart shows kids that they use math every day — to share a pizza, spend their allowance, even sort socks. Stuart writes funny stories about math — and if you read his books, you”ll start to see the fun in math, too. Same Old Horse Hankie wants to be unpredictable, but the other horses are sure he”ll always be the same old Hankie. Someone”s in for a surprise in this story about making predictions.
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Engage students with this collection of fun and interactive games that give them the extra practice they need to master important math skills in multiplication, division, and fractions. Classroom-tested, these reproducible games have been proven to significantly increase students” math achievement. Perfect for centers, for choice time, or for remedial help. For use with Grades 2-4.
This leading mathematics text for elementary and middle school educators helps you quickly develop a true understanding of mathematical concepts. It integrates rich problem-solving strategies with relevant topics and extensive opportunities for hands-on experience. By progressing from the concrete to the pictorial to the abstract, Musser captures the way math is generally taught in elementary schools.brbrThis title will give you all the essentials mathematics teachers need for teaching at the elementary and middle school levels:ulliHighlights algebraic concepts throughout the text and includes additional supporting information.liProvides enhanced coverage of order of operations, Z-scores, union of two events, Least Common Multiple, and Greatest Common Factor.liFocuses on solid mathematical content in an accessible and appealing way.liOffers the largest collection of problems (over 3,000!), worked examples, and problem-solving strategies in any text of its kind.liIncludes a comprehensive, five-chapter treatment of geometry based on the van Hiele model./ul
Houghton Mifflin Math Homework Book: Grade 4
In this third volume in a series of three, Fosnot and Dolk focus on how children in grades 58 construct their knowledge of fractions, decimals, and percents.In our efforts to reform mathematics education, we’ve learned a tremendous amount about young students’ strategies and the ways they construct knowledge, without fully understanding how to support such development over time. The Dutch do. So, funded by the National Science Foundation and ExxonMobil, Mathematics in the City was begun, a collaborative inservice project that pooled the best thinking from both countries. In Young Mathematicians at Work, Catherine Fosnot and Maarten Dolk reveal what they learned after several years of intensive study in numerous urban classrooms.pIn this third volume in a series of three, Fosnot and Dolk focus on how children in grades 5-8 construct their knowledge of fractions, decimals, and percents. Their book: describes and illustrates what it means to do and learn mathematics. contrasts word problems with true problematic situations which support and enhance investigation and inquiry. provides strategies to help teachers turn their classrooms into math workshops. explores the cultural and historical development of fractions, decimals, and their equivalents and the ways in which children develop similar ideas and strategies. defines and gives examples of modeling, noting the importance of context. discusses calculation using number sense and the role of algorithms in computation instruction. describes how to strengthen performance and portfolio assessment. focuses on teachers as learners by encouraging them to see themselves as mathematicians.